Immoral legal world means HEARTLESS world.Know HEART(voice of voice)..
Let's induce HEART(voice of voice) at next among HEARTLESS immoral legal world to make people as good(moral legal).
Al-qaeda & Indian National Congress induce HEART as 1% people in every world city.
Both al-qaeda & INC are built MODERATE EXTREME as per social psychology which sees MODERATION IN EXTREME-EXTREMISM at last.
Now true sense started from 9 to 16 after deceptive appearance from 1 to 8.
Al-qaeda & Indian National Congress induce HEART as 1% people in every world city.
Both al-qaeda & INC are built MODERATE EXTREME as per social psychology which sees MODERATION IN EXTREME-EXTREMISM at last.
Now true sense started from 9 to 16 after deceptive appearance from 1 to 8.