Charkha:Medium mind in dynnamic world is true high.
There are 5 mind classifications by CLASS & PSYCHOLOGY in dynamic world for institution of social marraige.
Numerous divorces MUST BE GIVEN by law court if they are filed through police TO AVOID CRIMINALITY & CORRUPTION.
IMPORTANT LAW POINT:Social world is more sacred than personal marraige and religious righteousness.
Sangham saranam gachchaami.
Path to hindu righteous law is through buddhist 8 fold-path enlightenment.
1)High:High class need marry high class.
2)High-medium:High-medium class need marry high-medium.
3)Medium:Medium class need marry medium class.
4)Low-medium:Low-medium class need marry low-medium class.
5)Low:Low class need marry low class.
Numerous divorces MUST BE GIVEN by law court if they are filed through police TO AVOID CRIMINALITY & CORRUPTION.
IMPORTANT LAW POINT:Social world is more sacred than personal marraige and religious righteousness.
Sangham saranam gachchaami.
Path to hindu righteous law is through buddhist 8 fold-path enlightenment.
1)High:High class need marry high class.
2)High-medium:High-medium class need marry high-medium.
3)Medium:Medium class need marry medium class.
4)Low-medium:Low-medium class need marry low-medium class.
5)Low:Low class need marry low class.