truth starts at 9 and ends at 16 for 19 & 20 to be 21.
True intellectual sees penultimate (19) as ultimate(20) for ultimate(20) to be penultimate(19) at the end of ultimate(20) as begining of true society.
It is m k gandhi who led india into political freedom for world economic freedom.
So there is onerous duty on students to be social leaders by true intellect for world economic independence.
I appeal to world students for thought discipline.
Students need change instructors & texts first in college classrooms/labs/depts.
Students need change public reactionaries towards their duty of valuable instruction.
Otherwise why academics?
It is m k gandhi who led india into political freedom for world economic freedom.
So there is onerous duty on students to be social leaders by true intellect for world economic independence.
I appeal to world students for thought discipline.
Students need change instructors & texts first in college classrooms/labs/depts.
Students need change public reactionaries towards their duty of valuable instruction.
Otherwise why academics?