
Showing posts from April, 2011

Do you know that I can donate Rs.1 cr. towards charity?

Do you know that I can donate Rs.1 cr. towards charity?

Do you know that education is being sold as product?

Eduction is to build one's character. One can't expect engineer to become doctor also. It is because of pseudo-secular 33% extremist political world. 

Rocking in society

Rocking in society for 20 yrs removes devil in self to give social STANDING. Devil has no feet. Divine has feet. Human being becomes divine standing at the age of 45 with face & voice for name.  NAME is quoted as history.


Crucifixion is jesus christ,mahatma gandhi,satya saibaba & Y S Jagan.

Moses science of righteousness

Moses righteousness is social deception of 6000 yrs. Social deception is United Nations. After social deception comes social truth as United People. Social truth is jesus christ second coming. 

mixed sentiment

I am getting mixed sentiment in public.  

my work is more political than engineering

My work is divided into 3 tenses in this digital age. Every yesterday,every today,every tomorrow. My work involves men,materials & money @ my place. My work involves political,police-govt. & media-adminstration of 1000 in spiritual/scientific/social world. My work can't be explained just by voice & face. My work involves mind & hand on pc-internet or pen-paper.

jan/feb/mar/apr 2011

Every yesterday is regressive. Every today is real. Every tomorrow is progressive.

Political corruption & crime investigation must be separated.

CBI anti-corruption & crime investigation must be separated. CBI anti-corruption must be attached with jan lokpal. Post of PM need not be under purview of jan lokpal. State ACB must be under lok ayukta. Local adminstration must be under ombudsman. 

Let's give/take second lease of life chance

Only strong can forgive. Pseudoism is SUSPICIOUS GOVINDA. Pseudoism is smt.kota alivelu manga w/o.kdk. Truth is beyond suspicious 1)govinda govinda & 2)om satchidananda nee sarvam govinda. Truth is late.kota durga kameswara rao

World middle class wives may compile national economy data Vs world economy data

Middle class wives in whole world may compile their national economy data Vs world economy data to be used by low class & high class. Middle class men in whole world may compile their nation socio-economics Vs world socio-economics to be used by low class & high class.  

Political business is for change from deceptive society to truthful society.

Political business is not for profit. Indian National Congress is for whole world. Other parties(bjp) are for our world. Immoral media should realise fine difference between WHOLE & OUR.

Man & wife.

Man's self-respect is wife's social respect. Wife is legal entity. Girl evidence is not legally admissible in court procedings.

Dogs are faithfuls.Humans are true secular.

Dog nature is faithfulness. Human nature is true secular. Hinduism is secularism.


Indian National Congress is not just like any other party in world. Indian National Congress is the world's biggest political party. INC is for WHOLE world. Other parties are OUR parties. If indian national congress is weakened by OUR divisive parties as in between 1997-2007,world weakens. 

sab ko de bhagavan

'Sab ko' means whole inclusive world. 'Hindustan humara' means our divisive world.

Bark & bite

Police maintain two public postures. If police are approached by objecting public for direction,they BARK. If police are approached by complaining public for direction,they BITE. OBJECTION IS LEGAL DOUBT. COMPLAINT IS LEGAL REFERENCE. Objection can be overcome legally. Complaint can't be overcome legally.


Four persons thinking on an issue will never be same. Police give direction on any public objection by barking well. Politicians distract main issue naturally to know its moral strength.Congress politicians are evil in evil environment to prevail good in good environment after 60 yrs. Conspiracies will be against truthful person only to know legal strength of truthful person.Truthful person should overcome conspiracies.Truthful must be as adult but not as boy.    

looking east to look west

21st century is looking east to look west.

ravindranath tagore quote

Facts are many. But truth is one.


Indian National Congress belongs to me & people. INC does not belong to sonia gandhi & rahul gandhi.

Govt-adminstration-politics & socio-economics

1)Govt.should be peaceful,legal,true from deceptive AUTHORITY. 2)Adminstration should be moral.Business,sports & cinema adminstration should be moral with 25% profit. 3)Politics should have character. 4)Socio-economics should have better over the best.

Politics is not full time society

Politics is part-time profession with leadership qualities. Govt. & parties should ensure it. If parties can't get minimum % polled votes in two successive elections,they will loose recognition from EC. 

social by-laws

1) If I do wrong to you,you do wrong to me as natural instinct in court justice.But you are EXPOSED in society at later moment.Social justice is unnatural. 2) One should see positive thing in negative view as ram.Low class immorals do not see positive thing they do in negative view. 3) Think different to be same.Think again.Think better.    Think divisive-inclusive-redivisive-reinclusive to be same divisive. 4) Never provoke your audience thinking.Always cool your audience as raja.The kingdom of god is within you. 5) Realise self.Earn name in this world for hereafter.

Application of mind is sheer persistence

Application of hindu thought is islamic in hindustan. Application of islamic thought is hindu in arab world.

self respect & social respect

I do agree that social respect can't be demanded. But social respect can be commanded from those who have social respect. Many have self-respect.Only few have social respect. Name & face brings social respect. 


Autobiography is I say;you reply;I agree to do for he & others. It is from my mind to my voice to your voice to my hand.

Degree of discipline

Highest degree of discipline leads to rich deserving in business. 

Truth & philosophy

M K Gandhi experimented with truth. I experimented with philosophy.


Social DOG maintains 16000 cr.web pages of data in google. It is the power that DOG(beast) wields on world.


Everything is in last moment of 4th order society(360% to 440%).

One's legality is one's terms

Legality is terms by face with mind. Y.S.Jaganmohan reddy is legal. 


Archeology dept.conducts excavations for royal possessions.

Brilliant socials fail at last moment

Brilliant socials fail at last moment. Until then,social brilliants must wait working hard for 40 yrs. 

Show business

Future show business is messages. Show should not be in show business.

Talk will be less if thinking memory expands.

Expand memory & thinking to talk less. If talk is less,work is more. If work is more,name & face is earned. Comparison is with high quality only.

Immorality goes with thinking in english

Immorality in low class goes with thinking in english.

Road map to 2026 AD

Indian police are meant for protection of centrist ideology only now. Jan lok pal bill will be police  against govt. corruption now. 

immoral world adminstration

World adminstration & media is immoral & powerless.

M K Gandhi

M K Gandhi is sanathana hindu first,secularist next & humanist last. I am humanist first,secularist next & sanathana hindu last.  


I am answerable to my father name only.Do you? I am not answerable about my mother.  

Deceptive social inequality leads to authority & oppression

Social exists as deceptive inequality leading AUTHORITY. AUTHORITY leads to oppression(dalits). Oppression after 60 yrs democracy leads to truthful equality in world like fire. Truth & equality prevails ultimately after going through 60 yrs of oppression by deceptive authoritarianism. 


1)Ramudemannadoy! Manushulaara! Maya marmam vaddhannadoy! 2)Srirama naamaalu satha koti.Okkokka peru bahu theepi!  Bahu theepi!

Religious extremism is reserved for last moment of life to be rational.

Religious extremism must be reserved for last moment of life to be rational thinker-philosopher-innovator like M K Gandhi. M K Gandhi moderated the most powerful name on earth(RAM) by cooling his 4 person social audiences sense to provoke his audience 4 person social audiences thinking. Raghupati raghava rajaram, Pathitha pavana sitaram, Eswar allah tero naam, Sabko sannuthi de 'bhagavan'(like satyasai is giving sannuthi to his devoteess that SOCIAL,SPIRITUAL & SCIENCE ARE ONE & SAME). Don't neglect either social & spiritual or science. Jai sriram is 100% selfish in personal psychology. Hey ram is rational religious extremism which must be reserved for last moment of true hindu way of life.     


Truth is such that  even though eluka kannaalu(40 cr.low class immorals) are wrongfuls in learning, police must defeat street corner antisocial snakes (underworld mafia) on regular,important & urgent basis. Then eluka kannaalu will uplift themselves thro' discussion-explanation-evaluation-instruction with those brilliant greats who criticise always. Eluka kannaalu(40 cr.low class immorals) must learn LEGAL knowledge first,MATERIAL knowledge next & LYRICAL knowledge last.

Social system has second resurrection after brilliant devil fails at last moment.

Social system is 66% deceptive after becoming 33% underworld to be 100% truthful. Police system is 33% conservative deserving after becoming 66% moderate deserving to be 0% deserving. People have 66% moderate earning power after becoming 33% conservative earning power to be 100% liberal earning power. 

Idol worship is 100% selfish in personal psychology.

Personal psychology is moral with 33% selfish & 66% social. Personal psychology is immoral with 100% selfish through idol installation & worship. Nowhere in vedas & their period before 6000 yrs ago,idol worship didn't exist. Around 6000 yrs ago,divisive casteism,coersive idolism,selfish ritualism started so as to start policing.   

Human being is known by his/her father name,his/her earned name & his/her work/psychology

Human being is identified by father name,own name & address as well as his/her work.

brilliant bjp fails at last moment naturally

So congress must be founded with resurretion after 40+60 yrs.   

33% care with praise always ,33% criticise always.33% don't bother always.

I found mixed feeling in public towards myself. 33% care with praise always. 33% criticise always. 33% don't bother always.

Public vote,public tax & public psychology

One can vote for self. One need not pay tax while spending if he/she worries about immoral poor. LIKE ME,One is the lord to oneself if one can change public psychology through his/her own field psychology with personal psychology.    

memory discipline of mind leads to moral psychology

Memory(thought) DISCIPLINE & concentration in subjects of interest leads to moral psychology for social obedience. Next is sincerety & right character.

social greats are born out of ordinary.Greats must die for good from ordinary.

Police                Political                    Media & Admin uses Mind             uses Mind & Voice          uses Mind & Face c onservative          conservative-moderate conservative-liberal  Teaching              Medical                      Technological uses Mind & Voice     uses Voice               uses Mind & Face  moderate-conservative  moderate                  moderate-liberal               Writing                Music composing             Acting  uses Face & Mind ...