
Showing posts from May, 2012

Still world has to get ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE.

"Extreme wage in self-adminstration by nil wage in psychological-adminstration for extreme price in social adminstration" WILL solve 5 or 6 levels of immorality in human society.   

Civilisation came by nation's military.EVERY NATION HAS ITS DISTINCT CHARACTER.

PERVERSION UPTO 15% or 20% or 40% IS LEGAL. Examples of perversion are news,pornography and even public instruction. Character comes from 4th order social court by arguing contrasts. If one doesn't argue contrasts,he doesn't have bright quality. Every characterisation in mahabharat(hindu scripture) is to be argued in courtroom which is meant for OVERCOMING,RISING ABOVE and SOLVING SELF-PSYCHE-SOCIAL CONTRASTS. Veda moolam is in 4th order social court. Even if we don't believe in court,we must respect its valuable & worthy COMMENTS.    

Sanathana dharma(righteousness) is good only at next.

SANATHANA DHARMA HAS  NEVER BEEN INFIDEL LAW. But it appears infidel at first. GARV SE KAHO HUM HINDU HAI. Negative respectfuls(comedians) fight with positive honourables(villains). AUM SAIRAM is being BOTH negative AND positive. Ramarajya("Kingdom of god is within you"-by tolstoy) is without social deceivers(AUM SAIRAM). One has to be EITHER hindu lawful OR al-qaeda mole. BY "BECOMING" DIFFERENT IS TO BE SAME.-veda One has to "become" different by DISCRETE SOCIAL as EITHER hindu being OR islamic law enforcer.   

Telugu film narrators should have LEGAL CASTING SENSE for true age & hero emergence.

Foolishness can be WORDS but not their SENSE. Both comedy(comedian) & tragedy(villain) are being different to be same. But hero EMERGES from comedy & tragedy by face-voice. HERO(SENSE) IS SOCIAL REVIEW.

Vijayawada city(india) was famous for public romance as venice(italy).


Anti-spirit and anti-social are different to be same.

1)Anti-spirit means WITHOUT SENSE. SENSE means swaram by subjective-objective;negative dimension-positive dimension;negative extreme-neutral extreme-positive extreme. Anti-spiritual are unconstitutional. 2)Anti-social means socio-political social. Anti-social police heart is NOT AGAINST SOCIAL SYSTEM at next.

I thank you

Mostly russian public and american local police are reading my social blog.

My social psychology is that 0.001 illegal loophole between law & its machinery is THE CULPRIT.

0.001 loophole of "being negative AND positive" is THE CULPRIT between hindu law at last and al-qaeda law enforcement machinery at ultimate. It is expanding at the rate of 1 lac times as all in some. 

Tamas is social culprit at last.

Antisocial(negative extreme)(tamas)(subjective) is not interested in WRITE by real & imagination parts. They are interested only in VOICE by FACE.

FBI stays at last.CIA dies imperial as it is at ultimate.

USA police have al-qaeda moles in their psyche.

Argument in court needs to be NON-LINEAR.

There is difference of nature between social blog,published book and class lecture. All the three are needed for true intellectual. Blog is IMAGINE HIGH. Book is REAL. Lecture is TRUE. TRUE needs REAL & IMAGINATION.  One has to THINK NON-LINEAR like m k gandhi. 

First & next

At next,police need become both engineers for change and doctors for balance by study of numerical methods and biochemical reactions. At next,doctors need become engineers for change by study of numerical methods. At next,engineers need become doctors for balance by study of biochemical reactions

Social discussion should not exceed 40% in life.

Imaginary part in life should not exceed 40%.

Social disbelief is the worst crime.

Appearing true came into existence because of social four entities. If I criticise he and others before you,how can it be that I collude with you? One has to come nearer to second person for criticising third and fourth persons.  So here comes room for argument which gave rise to court respect. If one start believing in court,he will end up disbelieving society which is the worst crime.

How can appearing true be true?

There are truth(true divine) pitted against appearing-truth(ambiguous devil) and falsehood. So first and next exist to solve last and ultimate. 

Gabbar singh is broad social heart which causes ILLEGAL(negative AND positive) AT 0.001.

Like there is fine sense difference between SOCIAL & POLITICAL,there is fine sense difference between BENCH & BAR. As antispiritual maoists believe in COURT BAR,YSR Congress partymen & maoists are to be lodged before COURT BAR for arguments of contrasts. Only folly that law enforcement machinery did is BROAD SOCIAL HEART which leads to adminstrative loophole "being both negative AND positive" at 0.001. So law enforcement machinery is neither first culprit nor next culprit but last culprit.   


Personal tweet & social blog are HEART(SELF). Book is VOICE.  

God is in-between sanathana dharma at first and the next.SO COURT MARSHAL IS COMPULSION.

Ambiguous devil persists for psychological consistency. True divine persists for self-consistency. Sanathana dharma unlike other dharma doesn't respect ambiguous devil at next. Respect and belief are good at next in sanathana dharma. Other dharma don't respect "satva-tamas(objective-subjective) and tamo-satvam(subjective-objective)"(both are offshoot of  chatur-varna vyvastha).   

Subject title is to be changed by film title & book title.

Cinema has three qualities. 1)satvam(reaction) stage 2)tamas(antisocial) stage 3)rajas(imperial) stage Above three qualities are meant to solve illegal "negative(ravan) AND positive(ram)" into legal "negative(ravan) OR positive(ram)". 

Engineering means psychology at first & sociology at next.

Engineering means system change. Those who are against system will become system. Changing system means changing those who became system.  For that,one must be for system(IITian) to become against system.

Glory of 3 & 7 need solve glory of 1.

Can't film directors imagine 1000 people social psychology by native character & quality to RE-EXPLOIT each script for solving many(10)-to-many(10) at one-to-many(10) towards legal "negative OR positive"? Film directors & journalists need solve villain(broad social heart)(police glory).

Indian research need grow.

Research scholars in all university academic depts need use their personal tweets & social blogs among social four. Indian research need be finite(99.999% perfect). Then only loophole in law will be plugged from illegal "negative AND positive" to legal "negative OR positive" at 0.001%.   

Film directors & journalists should stop making public nuisance.

High-extremism gives rise to another world which is true. Film director has to see in-between shots,characters & scenes within frame to tell point. After seeing rushes on pc,again he has to RE-EXPLOIT them by many(10) for 100 rounds. Then only film director purpose of changing illegality (negative AND positive) as legal(negative OR positive) is served. Otherwise film director name is lost in public memory. Everything is at the cost of name & person.

Left & right has no place in society.

As reactionaries got defeated in society,there is no point for communism in society. INC is itself spearheading system change now as objective thought subjective voice. 

Court & army respect is not belief.

Indian army chief & indian supreme court both after nurturing antispiritual maoists for 40 yrs are now self-realising their folly. SYSTEM IS FROM ONE'S VOICE TO ANOTHER'S HEART-FACE TO ONE'S MIND. As both indian army & indian supreme court are against system,they became system by persistence for consistency. As Indian National Congress is for system,it became system change by persistence for consistency.      

Immoral film direction

Script writing has error of being negative AND positive. Composing has error of lyrical meaning to scene. Acting has error of emerging hero,native heroine and casting as per true age. 


Srikrishna & balarama are incarnations of mahavishnu & adiseshu. 

Talking intention with nobody & all is crime.

World maoists place in world society is court doors in world. If one believes in politics,he/she should respect-follow court adminstration in world. There is no shortcut for success in politics. "I don't need anyone to hear self.I need all to hear self" is CRIME,EXTREMISM & BEING POSITIVE & NEGATIVE DIMENSION. ARREST THOSE BELIEVERS & PRODUCE THEM IN COURT DOORS OF WORLD. One has to be vruthi & pravruthi VOICE FOR SOME IN NATIVE ALL. 

Pen is mightier than sword.

Pen is mightier than sword. But question is whose pen? Yeah! It is might of NEXT JUDGE(court) pen by FIRST JUDGE(police) pen. 

Judgements need to be respected & followed by police.


For song,both sense & lyrics are important to enjoy.


More than 66% marks is inability & failure of noble instruction.



Social argument(positive extreme) level about character contrasts & brightness of MICRO-ECONOMICS happened between 1907 A.D.-1947 A.D. Social discussion(negative extreme) level about quality & capital of VOICE AT FIRST happened between 1947 A.D.-2012 A.D. Social meditation(neutral extreme) level about self-respect in social as HEART AT NEXT started at may 2012 A.D. to end at 2026 A.D. Indian National Congress makes people good at next. Positive extreme buorgeous are good at next. Politics means adminstration principles-practices,legislative principles-practices and HUMAN HISTORY. HUMAN HISTORY means every today becomes yesterday by every tomorrow. One should not change in ever-changing world for system change into consistency. Everybody knows that 1)govt.of AP state is ambiguity(inconsistent).                                  2)govt.of india is imagination(academic).     ...

English GRAMMAR makes vast knowledge into concise AND concise knowledge into vast.

English is good at next. English language took birth in 11th century A.D.for native indians of whole world. English language,parliamentary democracy & allopathy are brought to india as they are very much indian. English GRAMMAR is essential instruction for health of human being as extreme at first and moderate at next.  English GRAMMAR is essential for engineering skills.

CBI Vs Y.S.Jagan towards system change.

Like govt.& maoists face-to-face talks,CBI & Y.S.Jagan talks NEED GO ON & ON.

ONE(pencillin) has 3 dimensions(straight-cross-curvature).

Ravana brahmalu(germans & brahmins) are good hearts at next from May 2012 A.D. Ravana brahma means positive of negative by positive for negative. Raghu veerulu(congressmen & al-qaeda)(true extremes who see negative & positive extremes as moderates)  are good voices at first. Being good voice at FIRST means good heart at NEXT(2),good voice at LAST(3) and good heart at ULTIMATE(4). 1 has to accept 2,3 and 4 in three dimensions. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION & EXAMINATION: Biochemical reactions is first. English grammar is next. Numerical methods is last. Primary level is first area of explanation. Higher-secondary level is next area of philosophy. PUBLIC IMAGINATION & CULTURE: Hero is first. Comedy is next. Villain is last. Tragedy is ultimate.

Military is precise.

Govt.of india is academic imagination believing in discussion. Govt.of AP state is inconsistency believing in ambiguity & contrasts.


PC can't have heart at next.

Dhanush need change into true from may 2012.

After writing first-to-last scenes by exploitation @ SKIN LEVEL,re-exploit all scenes again @ MUSCLE LEVEL by 1000 audience or 10 of (40+60) audience reception for public message. Then it will be truth of making people either positive OR negative from illegal gay in-between.

Police are in-between public means but not public ends.

Court trials by many(10)-to-many(10) ACCESS are itself punishment at "positive AND negative" person-face towards making "positive OR negative". 

Are indian women in perfect control of their psyche at 15% to 20% by fine sense for discretion in social?

Whether indian women are perfect control of their psyche at 15% to 20% in social TO AVOID FEMALE INFANTICIDE & GENDER DETECTION TESTS? Psychological control means duties towards 1)their men to earn more,2)their children to imagine(at 40%) as better and 3)their socio-economic planning. DO:Women psyche need think at FINE(positive of negative by positive for negative OR negative of positive by negative for positive) SENSE. DO NOT:Women psyche should not think at INDISCRETE(positive of negative by positive for negative AND negative of positive by negative for positive) SENSE.   

One should make public as negative or positive through self-voice by following law court proceedings.

Building skills,careers & party is by lectures at face.

Sense means positive OR negative direction.

Mother means respect and following. Mother does not mean belief and obeying. Sanathana dharma has contrasts(negative extreme and positive extreme) to be overcome for true extreme. Dead persons leave SENSE(direction) for living persons. But journalists & film directors failed in their duty of making "negative AND positive" persons as "positive OR negative"persons. immoral legal persons(journalists & film directors) becoming moral legal by being moral illegal has duty of making others as moral.     

Blog means SOME 12000 posts IN ALL.

Readability & publishing eligibility both are to be maintained by person face-voice worth name for others grasp. For that,one has to maintain FINE SENSE for others(2nd,3rd & 4th persons). 3 voices becoming 4 voices is to be 2 voices. 2 hearts becoming 1 heart is to be 3 hearts. 

magnitude and direction

Both objective-subjective social police and subjective-objective social reactionaries voice need be either positive OR negative SENSE(direction). Being positive sense appears negative to be true positive. Being negative sense appears positive to be true negative. It takes engineers 15 or 20 yrs time.

Black money & corruption:Both are becoming different to be same.

Black money holders are thieves. Black money is generally invested in film & media sector to make it legal. So media & film promoters should take care against legalising black money. If black money holders are arrested,those police officers will be eligible for bharatratna. Black money is money(voice & heart) which does not satisfy heads of account  by respect(WALKING,GIVING),honour(TAKING,SEEING & VOICING) and excellence(HEARING,THINKING & EATING).     

Y.S.Jagan question time.

Jagan! Investor money(100s/500s/1000s bundles of 100) should not be from immoral voice. Promoter has moral duty to check it. There is heart at next which is voice of voice. One should be good at next.  It is not enough for you to be legal. It is needed to be moral you at investor and his money. Promoter should not allow investor who may be thief. 

People must educate themselves.

In present mature indian democracy,every adult has one vote on equal basis.And contesting candidates come to voters by face.And voters are before given specimen ballot paper by recognised parties.Are they studying & calculating pros and cons of candidates points on paper by full depth of knowledge of history and adminstration principles TO CAST THEIR SACRED VOTE ON POLLING DAY? Why 6000 sections of people in city are making social nuisance,din & disruption everyday by their voice & conduct?  Think whether political leaders alone are responsible for corruption and under-development! Voters have real power in their hands to self-realise in social.But they are in immoral voice. So now tell me who are to be prosecuted for social corruption? I will hear,think and eat.

Whole world is following andhrapradesh state politics.

Now it is comparative among social four. One should respect-follow law court to believe-obey society. But to solve deception and honourables,police nurtured antispiritual maoists & YSR Congress against honourable public towards respectfuls.     If it is police Vs antispiritual maoists/YSR Congress,it is police & their people we must support. Reactionaries(tamo-satvam) got defeated by may 2004. It is now antispiritual maoists & YSR congress to be defeated by police. It is non-religious police(satva-tamas) to be defeated at next. It is imperial congressmen to be defeated at last. It is humanist congressmen to be successful in power at ultimate.   

URGENT FOR AP STATE DGP VERIFICATION:Neo-intellectuals in sakshi media need follow this true-intellect of ME.

Y.S.Jagan like any person who practise politics has to distinguish between personal and public life. Personal life must be clean for public life. Otherwise it will be criminalisation of politics. Human mind follows logic gate at first and logic gate at next. Police investigation is ill at instructive first and good at ruling next. Any investigation starts from courtroom for character-classroom for twists-social for turns-the end for social review. So in Y.S.Jagan investigation,character-build(good at evil at first for evil at good at next to be good at good at last) and academic-twists(One is here for there to be here again) are gone through. Now social procedure-turns(Cr.PC) are being carried out in Y.S.Jagan investigation by concerned investigation agency. Therefore Y.S.Jagan as SECOND OFFENDER by his own volition "SHOULD NOT BE "NEGATIVE"             TO PUBLIC(POLICE) INVESTIGATION AGENCY UNDER ANY GOVT. SECOND OFFENDER IN SOCIAL MEANS...

Voice is work by hand & mind.

At last Vs ultimate,it is "satyamev jayate"(voice) Vs "in god we trust"(money) by name/respect/heart.

How many film directors in world have guts for self-criticism?

Ramgopal varma made film director within as hero by self-criticism in "ksd appalaraju".

First bhavam is made last bhavam by m k gandhi unlike world of journalists & film directors.

Police are in-between means between society and jail. In-betweens disappear in-between.  INC is itself police party of 8 other diverse brilliance groups. INC is first-to-last ends for next-to-ultimate ends. 

Have own collection of favourite film music from internet.

Whatever good(socially relevant) films are coming because of heroes & music composers. If one listens his/her collection of favourite film music,then he/she will be young than age. Age is for mind only.

World youth are growing old in their age.Age is psychological but not physical.

There is no point for world youth to discuss voice vote politics without knowledge of human history and adminstration principles of contrasts for bright society. Persist for consistency(truth) by being consistent in own inconsistency. Own inconsistency may be vruthi.So pravruthi is compulsion.  

Antispiritual is serpent created by respectfuls(police) to solve honourables(people).

It is truly easy to SEE(by belief),TAKE(by hand) and VOICE(by mouth) like Y.S.JAGAN. It is truly difficult to HEAR(by belief),THINK(by brain) and EAT(by mouth) like HIS EXCEL-LENCY. It is truly easy & difficult to WALK(by no belief) and GIVE(by hand) like POLICE & THEIR PEOPLE. 


Only Objective-Subjectives(antispiritual police) and Subjective-Objectives(religious fundamentalists) are causing problem among native indians in whole world. Only Indian National Congress and Al-qaeda  have solution for above two problems. Both are for world and hindutva.

Journalists & film directors ! Please close your pens & cameras if you can't make persons OF EITHER +ve OR -ve by their name. .

Today I ask journalists and film directors as to what will happen to their social psychology OF EITHER +ve hero OR -ve villain if m k gandhi didn't make it to earth for crucifixion. 

News & film art are voice perversion by broad social heart..

Both news and film art are perversion(high extreme) which will subside as social extreme. But voice(bhavam) by name make SENSE(spirit). At present,bhava daridram(immoral voice) is rampant in the form of honourables. 

Journalists & film directors need change as per mobile & internet technology.

People are boring. People are always interesting. But film directors & media journalists are not reaching their subjective truth towards making EITHER positive OR negative. What can their scripts-actors and editors can do? What can editors do if journalists are not consistent in their inconsistency? What can actors & scripts do if directors forget their purpose of making people EITHER positive OR negative? Both journalists & directors are making NUISANCE OF PURPOSE in their powerful media as IN-BETWEENS(objective-subjectives and subjective-objectives). Both enjoy socio-legal freedom & respect with no responsibility & purpose. Freedom means responsibility. Respect in field means serving social purpose. When knowledge(positive extreme) thieves are robbing,journalist dogs are just watching. When in-betweens are ruling society,film directors are just enjoying respect in cine field. Truth is against lie as simple of complex by complex for complex. Don...

Complexity is compulsion but not confusion.

Confusers must be confused. Remedy is in illness.Just apply it by voice within. Virtual world is social compulsion at 40%.

Film(system) should make in-betweens to think either positive or negative.

Story script and actors in characters both are successful. Only failures in society are film directors who can't think full-depth to exploit social exploitation towards making either negative or positive. 

Having name is for ultimate justice.

Those who culture people will be cultured at ultimate. Those who compose people will be composed at ultimate. Those who write people will be written at ultimate. Those who solve people will be solved at ultimate. Those who treat ill of people will be treated at ultimate. Those who instruct people will be instructed at ultimate. Those who inform people will be informed at ultimate. Those who lead people will be led at ultimate. THOSE WHO ENFORCE PEOPLE WILL BE ENFORCED AT ULTIMATE. Perversion is art. But nudism is crime. There is fine difference between art & crime. 

Search is salvation.Interest is drive.Induce interest.Otherwise teachers will be taught.

Walking(feet) & giving(voice-hand) are by RESPECTFULS(police). Seeing(believing other),taking(handing) & voicing(mouth) are by HONOURABLES(in-between immoral). Hearing(ears),thinking(sms) & eating(stomach) are by EXCELLENCIES(moral). Honourables are broad social hearts(ordinaries) who must be changed into narrow social hearts(uniques). Path is not goal.Path is path for goal. Both path & goal must be extreme. So hindu dharma became the best at next.   Courts are active now to make honourables as respectfuls. Those who are interested in voice politics must know history & adminstration procedures & practice principles. Those who are interested in seeing & taking must know that everyone is leader without voice application. People are not insane.But they appear insane to outsmart potential SECOND OFFENDERS IN SOCIAL FOUR PERSONS like sakshi media. Insane of insane is responsive. Gitacharya said:1)There is nothing useless in his world cre...

Heaven is voice by change of face.

End is not the end for film. Strength of hero increases from strength of villain. Hero has to act in roles that suits his true age. Hero is evolution from scene to scene.Hero(unlike story script) is not climax flashback to be introduction.  Everyone is hero potential for fouth order social screen to apply his voice. By becoming different is to be same. A).Written work result is known only after release.So only minimum(1000 copies) are printed for release.Re-print orders are only as per sales. B).Camera work result is known before release.So maximum film prints,DVD rights & satellite rights are released.No re-releases are done. Only through painful complexity,simple true voice by face called HEAVEN PLEASURE is reached.

Reaction(satvam) is evil at first and good at next.So both satvam & satva-rajas are good at next.

M K Gandhi was not brilliant in academics like me. Academics lack evolution of social psychology(numerical methods)(control systems engg) like why-what,when-where and how. So if true intellectuals(reactionaries)(ravana brahma)(positive of negative) do their duty of bringing value & worth to law science & medical science degree CERTIFICATES,then social evils vanish. In this regard,I wish to see both raghu rama & ravana brahma by becoming different in WORD(subjective & objective) with same SENSE(spirit). Quality(gunam) is not in thing.It is how one SEES thing. Social-evil(negative objective)(ravana brahma) is good(positive subjective) to SELF.One can see good self in reactionaries eyes. Social-good(raghu rama)(positive objective) is evil(negative subjective) to SELF.One can see evil self in IIT pass-outs eyes.       


1)I am the head of my clan(called raghu or chinese). My ancestors are chinese(spiritual). But I am born as indian(moral). I am his excellency. All other people are just social honourables. Americans are just personal respectfuls. 2)I am psychologist at first,sociologist at next and social psychologist at last. My work appears as waste as I am neither social respectful nor political honourable. I am adminstrative respectful(tiger) at first and social believer(lion) at next. Derivative:Social honourables are personal respectfuls.Social is spiritual. 3)My address is everywhere at first and my place at next. One has to be good at next. Fundamental:My voice comes from my head.My heart stays as my feet. 4)Police are derivative(tamas)(antispiritual) AND fundamental(satvam)(reaction). So they believe in "everyday persistent enquiry" OF their truth a).What HE(believed as upright person) IS SAYING TODAY? b).Has anyone CAME-TO(sayujyam) you AND said so ABOUT YESTERDA...

The problem of being perfect (BOTH negative AND positive to other)

We all know existence of antispiritual force(tamas)(NEGATIVE EXTREME)(chandala buddhi) to be solved. Tamasoma jyothirgamaya So when there is negative extreme,there should be positive extreme(pornographic art)(vipareetha buddhi) on other side as mental balance. When there is negative extreme OF positive extreme,there prevails true(social) extreme. It is principle of control systems engg.(social psychology). So if social fourth order accepts DIN made by BOTH negative extreme AND positive extreme persons even though both are legal,making DIN will be social order everyday. Inference is that we should not believe in democratic sense of making din for specific,responsive & moral.  Let's rise above belief of making din. True(social) democratic spirit(sense) is 48 days election campaign. Social disruption before & after election campaign period & place by both negative extreme and positive extreme persons should be treated as SOCIAL DISBELIEF. SHOOT SOCIAL D...

I means I.

Police & public believe in elimination process of high-extremism. I believe in reform process of high-extremism into "of extremism by extremism for extremism" by fine consistency(0.001). SOCIAL RESPECT & FOLLOWING IS NEGATIVE VILLAINISM. SOCIAL BELIEF & OBEYANCE IS POSITIVE HEROISM.  ADMINSTRATORS GIVE WRITTEN ORDERS BY PAYMENT OF COURT FEES. POLITICIANS GIVE ORAL ORDERS BY CASTING VOTES. POLICEMEN GIVE CERTIFICATION OF LAW & MEDICINE.   

Brahmins are by merit to be NEAR to GOD.Brahmins are not by birth.

Police & brahmins will get respected. But police & brahmins have credibility problem. Brahmins are by merit to be NEAR to GOD. Brahmins are not by birth. Gay voice & bastard voice should not be given respect. Let's be either positive or negative. Being BOTH positive AND negative are illicit thing which needs to be corrected into COMPLEX(of) EITHER positive of negative(high extreme) OR negative of positive(true extreme). Leader is OF,BY and FOR.

In-betweens(antispirituals) die in-between(without leaving spirit)

Steep rate in graph leads to variable rise by biochemical reactions. Steady rate in graph leads constant rise by biochemical reactions. Let's adminster social with voice logic OF high price BY high wage FOR no wage. "Everything has price"-Dhirubhai ambani  "Be positive or negative"-Kota srinivasa rao

One's voice is meant for some in all.

Let's not be character artistes as contrasts for social respect. Let's be either hero or villain. Let's not be comedian or tragedy path to social. 2)Easy appears as difficult. Difficult appears as easy. 3)TEXT writer person or instructor person is attractive by person name and interesting by subject but not induced by subject/person title.Commercial success estimate is not available until TEXT is released. FILM maker person or actor person become attractive by subject and interesting by film/person title but not induced by person name.Film is released only when commercial success estimate is available. Voice modulation & demodulation by face is for persistence in deceptive appearance to be true. One is OF other BY some people assistance FOR all people LIKE sociologist & psychologist. One is not BY all people FOR some people assistannce LIKE police & media. If one is interested to practice politics,he/she should know adminstration practices also. ...

Psychological health(court respect) is prerequisite for belief in society.

People are unable to realise difference between SEEING PERSON AT FACE and MEETING PERSON BY FACE. Police are unable to follow court directions and obey govt.orders. Footnote:Govt.order is OF police BY many(10)-to-many(10) "social four persons-class of 40 people-house of legislators-heads of public depts." FOR governor/president  If police-public respect their self,then how can they believe divine? For belief in divine,self-respect is prerequisite.

No friends means no enemies.

Let's respect appearing deception(psyche) that "navvina naapa chenu panndunu!".Exclamation knowledge is path which has limit.DECEIVER HAS SOCIAL LIMIT. Let's believe prevailing truth(socio) that navvi podhurugaani naaketi siggu? Question knowledge is goal which has no limit.TRUTHFUL HAS NO SOCIAL LIMIT.So religions do crop up from sanathana dharma. But mother of all dharmas never dies. Mother is respected but not believed. Father is believed but not respected. That is the first logic in ordinary homes where only good mother and good husband exist. Next logic for unique homes where good wife and good father exist.  

Independent media has become prisoner of its own thoughts.There are no overall takers for public media.

What will happen if discussion(jyotishya goshti about SELF) takes place in social where meditation(meemamsa) need exist? Arguments(bhava tharkam) are to be heard in courthall at first. Debates(jyotishya goshti) are to be chaired in classroom at next. Personal meditations (meemamsa) are to be done in society at last. Humans become to be true at ultimate. Now is RELATIONAL DIFFERENCE problem between 32 depts.laws and their law enforcement machinery.    

It is not voice words but sense(SWARAM) NOW by persistence.

Psychology has limit here(iham) for there(param) to be here(iham) again. Psychology is respected court. Sociology is believed as strong villain to change hero as strong. Then spirituality exists true. Footnote: Social evil is good to itself.Otherwise it doesn't exist at all. Social good is evil to itself.Otherwise human psyche(voice) by name-face doesn't exist at all.  So let's be psyche either social good(raghuveera) or social evil(ravanabrahma). In psychological war of words,dead persons leave SENSE to living persons towards social review forever at the end of part 2. SWARAM IS JNANAM-AMARAM at the end of part 2. SWARAM creates jnani but not jnanam.One should earn jnanam by memory.  SWARAM creates amaram but not amarulu.One should earn amaram by thought process. So one should see moderation by extreme-high for extreme-true. Currency NOTE is social psychology by face. Voice VOTE is sociology by hand. Above NOTE & VOTE is CERTIFICATE of 256 shades i...

Reading,writing & voicing are 1/3rds parts of human ability.

Everyone has FACE for extreme-extremism AND deception. Then naturally everyone has VOICE for true-extreme AND specific truth. One ignorant person is asking why people go to deceptive person and extreme-extremist. The answer is simple that just to experience deception and extreme-extremism for truth and true-extremism. It is not the question of whether "satyamev jayate" or "in god we trust". It is the question of the people making as moral legal BEYOND moral leader and legal police. Writing & reading numerical methods by english grammar for biochemical reactions is moral legal. Engineering calculations can't be explained by voice alone. It needs hands(heart) also. Above legal science & medical science is engineering as first among equals. If people start criticising CM/PM alone everyday,then CM/PM will be postman delivering people's criticism to ministers. So if people become politically aware,they need be adminstratively aware as we...

Heroes are at climax by strong villain/s.

Hero is evolution from story introduction to climax. HEROES ARE NOT FROM STORY INTRODUCTION. Heroes are from climax by change of self through strong villain. As is strong villain,so emerges strong hero for audience towards social review. Public opposition are strong villains to vanish ultimately at social review. Public opposition has to realise self while aspiring for power. How it looks like writing bhavam without being person & name? Present govt.of india & STATE govts.are bhavam without being person & name by sense. God loves devils to change into divine. One has to be for system to change it in changing world if he is sincere. Ex.To make roaming persons as native socials,taliban make legs(heart) fractured. If third person takes above in wrong direction as BREAKING heart,will third person be nice? TRUTH IS HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE.

Avoid change in ever-changing world to CHANGE SYSTEM.

System has just restore points by person-place(national geographic). System is just finite 99.999% perfect. If we develop right social psychology,then everyone will become human,unique and leader by self liberating from reactionary force,antispiritual force & imperial force within. Let's do inward journey for human liberation.

Everything is in voice by general-extreme.

If one aims psychologically to be one-to-ten among many(10),then he/she will become No.1. If one aims psychologically to be No.1 among many(10).then he/she will become below No.1. Success is passive. Examination/work tension is to be relieved by evolving one's own self in social psychology through day-by-day self-notes from social data. One can make self-notes from personal tweets,social blogs and self-diaries.   

Call me HIS EXCELLENCY.I am working as one(1)-to-many(10).

People are villains.So is police. I am his excellency. YOU are honourables.


One can't go by FACE value. FACE may be evil in socio-religious,socio-political & socio-economic COMPLEXITY. But we need believe in GOOD VOICE of EVIL FACE at negative of positive OR positive of negative. entry in india:We can control walmart through specific anti-monopoly law against FDI colonisation activity in retail sector. Do anyone in world forget the fact that govt.of india is No.1 in AMBIGUITY as well as INDIAN STATE govts.are No.1 in IMAGINATION? Do anyonne in world forget the fact that indian public are No.1 in INSANITY as well as 33% indian voters are No.1 in IMMORALITY?  Then?

14 yrs of discipline(sraddha) & satisfaction(thrupthi) becomes hard drive.

After villainism OF negative-extreme(at the end) is EITHER positive-extreme(at last) OR neutral extreme(at ultimate). Like after every night is every day. 2)After social subjects(languages & geography) in native mother tongue and science subjects(maths,physics & chemistry) in universal english is SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY(control systems engg.)(biochemical reactions like human memory,social love by personal revenge). 3)After extreme-extreme is general-extreme.  4)SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY(control systems engg.) can't be explained in social. But it can be discussed for quality(gunam)(ramayan brightness)(JYOTHISHYA JNANAM) first and self(bhagavatham)(MEEMAMSA) next with the help of hindu scholars explanations-applications  in english language after argumenting for RIGHT character(seelam)(mahabharat contrasts)(THARKA SASTRA) being good at evil AND evil at good to prevail good at good.  THARKA SASTRAM is birth from adversity of social contrasts.  JYOTHISHYA SASTRAM is...

Films & textbooks are influential in society.INFLUENCE IS 33%-50% OF POWER.

1)Director means FRAME by 4 corners in viewfinder and POINT CIRCLE by script paper at hand FOR FILM MAKING. Director is by moral(out of 5 immoral levels) science,camera science & psychological science.Here by 3rd part(psychological science),what director says becomes influential in society. 2)Teacher means FACE-VOICE by blackboard-chalk piece and HANDS-FEET by playground-auditorium FOR LEADERSHIP. Teacher is by physical growth(sports)(biochemical reactions),psychological growth(arts & culture)(english grammar) & social growth(science research-explanation)(numerical methods).   

Duty without neglection for social value.

Women need be modest & shy in their hearts(hands & feet which must be at home).Women face-voice must be in society. Men need be modest & shy in their voices(faces which must be at home).Men hands & feet must be in society. 

Police may be ambiguous personals but not ambiguous socials.

Police need be positive IN COURTROOM & POLICE STATION and negative IN SOCIETY. Police efficiency must be limited to 99.999% only. 

Ambiguous villains give birth to true heroes at last or ultimate..

Police & its people are ambiguous negative villains. From villain comes true positive heroes. BOTH "I don't need no-one assistance" AND "I need all to hear self" are criminal voice. "One is OF others BY someone assistance FOR some people to hear self" is the court & jail fundamental voice. Social love is positive emotion. But it is by revengeful action from personal beings. So personal clash is natural. Social justice is unnatural. So students are mature personals to be made into mature socials by 20 yrs rocking.    

Servant(extremist) can't be leader(moderate).

Servant is servant.Leader is leader.Servant can't be leader. Present indian national congress is believer in courts. Future indian national congress will be believer in social. Police need follow court adminstration by obeying political leaders to make people as rulers to their SELF. Human liberation process is passive.


BOTH businessperson and tenant can't have social value. But Customer and landlord have social value. 2)BOTH husband and wife should not collude against social. That does not mean both can quarrel in social. Both should maintain adjustment,balance and understanding. 3)BOTH GOOD FATHER AND GOOD WIFE DON'T EXIST IN ORDINARY HOMES.

Feminine(mother tongue) are another form of musculine(english).

As AP state ex.DGP. K.Aravinda Rao told in ABN-Andhrajyothi tv channel interview(open heart with RK), language of instruction should be in ENGLISH for science subjects and MOTHER TONGUE for social sciences. After international education only is scope for native culture.   

Sense is complex(OF) either(BY)-or(FOR).

Suppose 1).Rs.1 OF public has been wasted. Suppose 2).A public leader CAME TO a low earner to meet two crorepati businesspersons in native city/district BY public economy.Those two crorepati businesspersons plan investing Rs.1 cr. of their money(voice) each FOR making immoral-profit(public politics) of Rs.3 cr.each.   What is your voice(adminstration) about above complex(OF) either(BY)-or(FOR)?


Suppose  1)INDIAN WOMEN ARE HYPOCRACTIC "OF" THEIR INDIVIDUALITY & SUBMISSIVE NATURE "BY(EITHER) COURT ARGUMENT "FOR(OR)" SOCIAL "CLASS OF 40" DISCUSSION. Suppose 2)Indian constitution is built hypocratic as hindu dharma doesn't recognise feminine(prakruti)(tamas).Indian constitution and hindu dharma believe that feminine(tamas)(prakruti) is dependent on musculine(satvam)(critical YIELD in first 2 instances)(purusha)(note:Boy is not purusha) for livelihood and to bear his children. What is your voice?

Parliament discussions need be AGAINST-of-FOR or FOR-of-AGAINST as inclusive divide.

Exploitation OF social exploitation is CREATIVE. Dissent ok but not distortions in parliament.

Face is to change.

Everyday immoral legal FACE by becoming  moral legal VOICE(heart of heart) is to be HEART against immorality.   

Dissatisfaction leads to gambling.

Money is voice.It should not be gambled in society. Voice(heart of heart) is conviction. Dissatisfaction leads to gambling.

HEARING SENSE need improve.Everyone is judge within.

0.001% can be changed into 99.999%. SYSTEM CHANGES ITSELF AT THE END OF PART 2. BUT EFFORT(prayatnam) SHOULD BE THERE. 

Police(socio-political social scientists) must follow psychologists.Police need not follow sociologists.

FOLLOWING IS VOICE.OBEYING IS HEART. Police need follow voice to obey heart. My voice is selling by name B.E.(bachelor of engineering). C.P.(commissioner of police)voice is not selling by name. Courts are active everyday throughout world. Courts are COMPLEX(of) EITHER(positive of negative)-OR(negative of positive).

Veda is voice and heart.Persons are neglecting voice.Public is neglecting heart.

Extreme-extremity develops divisions in its ranks. So vedic saying"by becoming different is to be same" is put in practice by M K Gandhi for success at the end of part 2. Hindu-christianity-islam dharmas have interlocking point(EXTREME-EXTREMITY). So naturally MODERATION exists by extreme-extremity division. Let's include moderation in extreme for our existence. Let's follow veda of voice & heart.

SAKSHI has no sakshi for it.

"SAKSHI' newspaper bank account freeze is making of its own. See! To counter "eenadu,andhra jyothi,tv9" satya pracharam,"sakshi" need not be OPENLY AGAINST them. By being against BOTH "eenadu,andhra jyothi,tv9" AND govt ambiguity,"Sakshi" has made itself as public target. TO TARGET AMBIGUITY,ONE MUST BE TRUE TO SELF BY POSITIVE OF NEGATIVE FOR NEGATIVE   OF POSITIVE. Secret of success against enemy in social four persons is sustained-passiveness(negative of positive FOR positive of negative). RAMA AIMED ONLY TO KILL DEVIL SYMPTOM IN RAVANA. BUT RAVANA HIMSELF MADE HIMSELF AS DEVIL PERSON TO BE KILLED BY SELF-REASONS. VEDA DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN VOICE & HEART OF PERSON. But if SAKSHI doesn't recognise veda saying(voice & heart are becoming different to be same",SAKSHI" experiment failed. Thief do have BOTH voice & heart. But if public don't recognise voice of thief,they will become cases before court...

Social is spiritual.

Any person must see friends in enemies. PERSON means VEDIC VOICE(bhavam).

Last and ultimate by 16 shades of voice will be just.

LAST and ULTIMATE nature is interchange,concurrency and precise. LAST can be ULTIMATE. ULTIMATE can be LAST. LAST and ULTIMATE are engineering(adminstrative) problem. LAST and ULTIMATE are RUNNING problem. One need not roam world or work for 40 yrs to solve ambiguity. Just apply VOICE and HEART at social mind levels 2,3,4 and 5 for specific. Rama rajya is JUST WORLD.

Dead persons leave sense for living persons by social review.

Both USA & indian courts will be active & hot now for next 15 yrs. Al-qaeda like INC respect but don't believe in court justice.  Al-qaeda(1964) are moles like Indian National Congress(1887). Al-qaeda moles WILL EXIST FOREVER AS 1% OF PEOPLE THROUGHT WORLD CITIES TO PREVAIL SPECIFIC. SO INFERENCE IS THAT 1/18th PART OF AL-QAEDA MOLES WILL EXIST FOREVER IN USA TO DISMANTLE USA IMPERIAL SOCIAL STRUCTURE. MY ENEMIES ARE AMBIGUOUS USA GOVT & NON-RELIGIOUS INDIAN POLICE. BUT I SEE FRIENDS IN MY ENEMIES.AND I SEE ENEMIES IN MY FRIENDS. SO MY TARGET IS LEGAL.ITS DIRECTION IS AMBIGUOUS(BOTH negative AND positive). God loves humans by becoming.God will never condone killing humans by dogs. Footnote:Low class are not humans by becoming. Sense of spirit prevails by social review for violent killing of voice between LAST and ULTIMATE. So let's be sensible. Let's not be non-religious hypothetical.       Big THANK YOU. kota srinivasaRao