Face is the index of mind. One-thirds women in world are prevailing as criminals(evil thoughts)(immorals) because they are not putting their minds(works) in society. Pl.note that it is,has to be and will be crime if woman mind is not in society while her thought(sense) is at home. That means women mind should be in society while her thought should be at home. Whereas man's mind should be at home while his sense(thought) should be in society. Because of one-thirds women in world are not avoiding their mind/s in society while their thought/s(sense/s) are at home/s, so much amount of brothels,so much amount of divorce petitions and so much amount of women's rights(without duties) agitations are happening. Abstract-mindset must include litigant(lateral)-sense to see fine print within lines about women issues in society. That's all I wish to say on subject.
