
Showing posts from August 9, 2012


Run has speed and acceleration. Speed is rate of change of displacement. Acceleration is rate of change of speed. 2)Rate is per second. Running legislature house/parliament house is rate of change of movement. Running govt. is acceleration.

alpha-beta-giga-delta electro-magnetic waves in nervous system.

'Vedam'(telugu)(2010) is research film.


Film making is collective work for audience of 1000. So acting is for audience of 1000. Film critics do criticism for audience of 1000.

Researcher is not scientist.

What is happening within 'system' is what is happening at 'surroundings'.

Bhavam is hrudayam.

All four social forces exist within self(heart). Self is governed by voice. Criticism is not disrespect.

Inta gelichi rachcha geluvu.(Win at home among social four first to win at govt(social system by concert of 20 persons) next).

Reactionary persons need fight with their reactionary women at home first. "Nara-simha(half-human and half-animal) " need become full-human in social now.   

There can't be political solutions for social issues.Female infanticide is social issue which is being perpetrated by demon women.

Everyone is not being leader among social four to their social four each. So both woman and man are equal among social four. But man is more equal among social four to their social four each. Hence women organisations need work against female infanticide which is being done by women themselves. Woman is meant for social voice. Man is meant for political sense.

Teaching is bhavam at first.Medical is hrudayam at next.Policing is swaram at last.

Teaching needs voice modulation(bhava jnanam). Medical healing needs sense modulation(hrudaya jnanam). Policing needs voice-sense modulation(swara jnanam) after public mind-passion is over.

Vedam is educative at first,infotain at next and enlighten at last.

Hindu & other religion heads run their religious people.Religion is not spiritual democracy. All people in city/world/district run their political heads in democracy.Politics is social democracy.


Only if people mind and body are better,then only development is possible. So govt(concert of 20 persons) need make education & medical health PRIVATISE AT FIRST AND NATIONALISE AT NEXT. 

Mystery is mystery but never become truth.

Mysterious persons,places and backgrounds are make-believe. Mystery makes more mystery. So people and their police should not believe in mystery.


Hinduism is world nation(prapancha jaathulu). Spirituality is languages(bhashalu). Vedam is world voice-sense(prapancha bhava-hrudayam). How can hindu dharma,temples & swamijis get respect if they don't respect other religions in world? .