
Showing posts from May 12, 2013

If people control desires without suppressing them,then love energy in form of systemic-earner flows as political power.

Desires are unlimited and endless. So desire control is essential. Love energy is being together. So love energy is by exchange of voice at first and sense at next.

New moral course need be included to every subject and chapter to inculcate full mind depth that THOSE WHO REACH TRUE CAN'T STAY TRUE.

Morality needs be strengthened by deep mind between REACHING TRUTH and STAYING TRUTH. There is no other god than truth. Both HELL and HEAVEN are here on earth now.  Satyamev jayate(truth only triumphs) is good spirit BEYOND THOUGHT OF GOD AND DEVIL CONFLICT.

One of three can solve two of two into true.Be 200% right for true-extreme world.So practise self-thoughts,after-thoughts,other-thoughts and beyond-thoughts.Among four types of thoughts,AFTER-THOUGHTS MAKE CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANY TWO PERSONS.

Deep stay at knowledge ocean is at first now in changing times. Systemic-humans are good only at last. Wide reach by earthen patience and systemic sense is at next later in changed times. Reactionaries are good only at ultimate. 

Monthly-quarterly-halfyearly-yearly accounting for person and company/firm must be made mandatory in every indian city.BLACK-MONEY IS EATING INTO ECONOMY THERBY MAKING AUDITING PROFESSION A MOCKERY.

As there is wrong-rich in world for over past 2000 years,hindu-swamijis and systemic-insurgents thrived by grabbing land. 

I write my blog-posts to tell right-rich.

Lyrics should not sink in music. Singer should take care of that. 

Non-relational to non-relational is relational.

Do police ever ponder over why antisystemic force believed in law court?

simply thanks to google servers.

Google blog servers are working perfect by routing my blogposts more precisely.

My one rupee will be worth equal to any fim hero's one crore rupees if we make people into systemic mind.Soon it will be true by making people into netizen(PC-INTERNET) at citizen(MIND-HAND) in system.INTERNET MEANS VOICE BY NAME.

Film industry heroes will be my only competitors in holding money. As film heroes hold Rs.10 lakhs mindfully,so I hold one crore times more than theirs. That's power(glory) of systemic mind towards making professional mind into decimation.   

Hell is avoiding talking-listening words.HEAVEN is becoming 2/3rds people who are antisystemic and unmindful of self into true.INDIAN GOVT.NEED ABOLISH BHARAT-RATNA AWARDS. BHARAT-RATNA and PADMA AWARDS WERE VESTIGES OF IMPERIAL WORLD WHICH PREVAILED IGNORANT NOW. Think beyond.

HELL:Biggest punishment in system mind is to avoid taliking-listening words of antisystemic and unmindful half-truthfuls who constitute 2/3rds people in world. HEAVEN:If these 2/3rds half-truthful people became systemic by solving their minds into true and mindful by solving their systems into true,then all people in world will be BHARAT-RATNAS.    

Currency is by name,person and voice.

As we all now agree that mind is one by becoming different,so immorality now exists in our voice. Let's make it moral by nativity,accounting and social mind.

Advaitha theory.

Mind is one but by becoming different(dual).


Word-sense are person-specific. For ex:Words"Brahmin(systemic-reactionary) is not by birth.Brahmin is by merit." are really my words.But previously many spoke them.

take two.

If it is not one,take two.

ok! Herbalife!