
Showing posts from August 8, 2012

Let's apply.

Medical,spiritual & film imagination are powers at first for reality. Legal & social are powers at next for reality. 

Present is spiritual(medical) DIRECTION being negative of positive.

Volga is reactionary. Organ means system within system. Organ transplantation is legal now. Medical science is plural philosophies(allopathy,ayurveda,naturopathy,homeopathy & unani) to be same.

Hindu swamijis need get respect from other religions.

Do any political knowledgeable know why INC believes in 'making' people self-responsible? Because INC believes in reality of people as moral. So if people become moral,'being' self-responsible to people by other parties will be public slavery.  Moral leader should have all thoughts(self-thoughts,after-thoughts,other-thoughts and beyond-thoughts'). Thinking better means staying in truth after reaching truth.  Respecting self,ours and all is not enough.Others have to respect hindu truthfuls.

Caste and religion

Both caste and religion are diabolical(exist without existence).

Woman and man

Both woman and man are equal among our workgroup in city/world/district. But man is more equal among all people in city/world/district. So reservation for women in political posts(MPs/MLAs) is illegal. Voice can be explained among social four. Sense can be felt but not explained among social four. But voice-sense can't be explained and felt but read by self. I am voice-sense which can be read by self only. So I write.   

Social(congress of four to their four each totalling 20 persons) character

Where is social character among either employees or CEOs in police,business and media organisations in india? I ask police,business and media organisations CEOs to instruct self and others to have social(concert of 20 persons) character. 

So I write.

Indian immoral. Indians are not immoral. But we are yet to become indian by reading other/s from being imperial half-truthfuls. Problem & solution are within self. Disease & remedy are within self. Voice is means of self-realisation. 

Excess love is hatred.

Social system has heart(sense). Organisation/s have voice but not heart(sense). And police & media are organisations. Vedam has four phases. "I should respect myself at first. I should give respect to our group at next. I should give respect to all others at last. All others should give respect to me at ultimate". Mind has alpha,beta,giga and delta electro-magnetic waves working continuosly.