
Showing posts from April 19, 2012

Avenge immoral legal by moral illegal.

IMMORAL LEGAL is action by human nervous system. MORAL LEGAL is action by human nervous & muscular system. I AM MORAL ILLEGAL HERE TO CHANGE IMMORAL LEGALITY THERE TO BE MORAL LEGALITY HERE AGAIN. 

Odd-even couple can't live together for sacred society.

SOCIAL RELATION IS SACRED THAN MARRAIGE RELATION. HEAVEN IS IN SOCIAL VOICE which is true from deception,simple from complexities & sweet from mind sweat. MARRAIGE RELATIONSHIP WORKS AS SIMPLE-COMPLEX in some cases COLLUDING & CONSPIRING AGAINST SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP to be either thief or killer or rowdie. In those cases,MARRAIGE RELATION SHOULD BE DIVORCED IN THE INTEREST OF BOTH SPOUSES & SOCIETY. So if police finds that any of both spouses who argues to collude & conspire against society files for divorce,then that couple MUST BE GIVEN DIVORCE IMMEDIATELY IN THE INTEREST OF BOTH SPOUSES & SOCIETY through police intervention before court. 

Immoral legal world means HEARTLESS world.Know HEART(voice of voice)..

Let's induce HEART(voice of voice) at next among HEARTLESS immoral legal world to make people as good(moral legal). Al-qaeda & Indian National Congress induce HEART as 1% people in every world city. Both al-qaeda & INC are built MODERATE EXTREME as per social psychology which sees MODERATION IN EXTREME-EXTREMISM at last. Now true sense started from 9 to 16 after deceptive appearance from 1 to 8.

A sociologist analysis for world ills

What social reactionaries in city/world are doing about research in basic subjects(english grammar,numerical methods & biochemical reactions)? My social research revealed that rootcause for all social problems is in ill-instruction in primary & higher secondary education TO KNOW SELF(HEART)(voice of voice at next). LOVE FAILURE BY HEART:It is failure of social reactionaries duty at their homes in city/world TO APPLY MIND.  

More educational research needed into primary & higher secondary education to build right character.

Indian schools lack educational tools for primary learning in english grammar,numerical methods & biochemical reactions. Hence school is not interesting place for all below 10 yrs age. We should do educational research into above three basic subjects on how to induce interest in all below 10 yrs age.   

Let's be linear at first and non-linear at next.

One should think both linear at first and non-linear at next among 5 social classes & 9 social brilliances in every 1000.

Let's be some group in all.Don't be all in some.

Our community/workgroup should think for NATIVE CITY.Then only city thinks for OUR COMMUNITY/WORKGROUP. Our community/workgroup should think for NATIVE WORLD.Then only world thinks for OUR NATION. Any liberator should think about WORLD by personal blog.Then only world thinks for OUR CAUSE.   

I am cheat for cheats.I am moderate extreme for low & high extremes.

9 social brilliances are over. Now one has to self-realise in 9 social brilliances. I am for moral leadership by appearance against appearance.

Script means 9 brilliances.

Script writer sees people for right character(good with bad at first and bad with good at next) build to DESERVE NAME-VOICE at FACE. Cinema creates fine thought & discretion for public talk at last. Research of other thoughts(10**-6 to 1 to 8)(appearance) leads to beyond thoughts(9-16)(truth) at ultimate. As there is creation,there is creator OF,BY & FOR NAME-VOICE. Creator tests public patience upto 16000 on whether he exists or he doesn't exist.  God is director.We all are actors.