
Showing posts from January 6, 2017

Evil spirit is lying between realm of mind and realm of heart.


See ! Maintaining official "secrets" by US govt is criminal. Because US gov is the first govt. Naturally the first gov should not have official "secrets".


Subscribing is not earning.

మనిà°·ిà°•ి à°•ావలసినది  à°…à°¡ుà°•్à°•ుà°¨ే à°¤ెà°²ిà°µి à°¤ేà°Ÿà°²ు à°•ాà°¦ు . మనిà°·ిà°•ి à°•ావలసినది à°¸ంà°ªాదన à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ే à°¤ెà°²ిà°µి à°¤ేà°Ÿà°²ు . à°Žంà°¦ుà°•ంà°Ÿే మనిà°·ిà°•ి తనకు à°•ావలసిà°¨ à°°ూà°ªాà°¯ి à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°…à°¡ుà°•్à°•ుంà°Ÿే à°¨ిà°²ిà°šేà°¦ి à°•ాà°¦ు . 

In politics, you have to be the last but not the least. Because the first has to stay at the last.

à°…à°µుà°¨ు ! à°°ాజకీà°¯ (à°°ాజధర్మము à°¯ొà°•్à°• à°°ాజనీà°¤ి ) à°°ంà°—à°®ుà°²ో à°“à°°్à°ªు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°¨ిజమైà°¨ మనిà°·ిà°—ా à°¨ిà°²ుà°ªుà°¤ుంà°¦ి . 

There is no point in asking why people are provoking.

à°°ెà°š్à°šà°—ొà°¡à°¤ాà°°ు . à°…à°¯ిà°¤ే à°°ెà°š్à°šిà°ªోà°°ాà°¦ు .  à°…ంà°¤ే . 

Heredity is true asset in knowledge politics of course after crucifixion.


Those who start party business should naturally get exposed and commit suicide because establishment never tolerates ignorance between 99 paise and 1 rupee.

à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ా à°µ్à°¯ాà°ªాà°°à°®ు మరిà°¯ు ఇతర à°•ాà°°్à°ªొà°°ేà°Ÿ్ à°µ్à°¯ాà°ªాà°°à°®ుà°²ు à°šేà°¸ే à°µాà°°ిà°•ి 99 à°ªైసలకు మరిà°¯ు 1 à°°ూà°ªాà°¯ిà°•ి మధ్à°¯ à°¤ేà°¡ా à°—ుà°°్à°¤ింà°šà°• à°°ాజకీà°¯ " à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీ à°µ్à°¯ాà°ªాà°°à°®ు" à°®ొదలు à°ªెà°¡ుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు .

Whacky Interview is funny.


All present political parties are being lawfuls. But only Indian national congress which is the party of all parties is being lawful only to lawfuls.

à°ª్రజలు à°šà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°®ుà°•ు మరిà°¯ు à°ª్à°°à°­ుà°¤్వము à°•ు (సమాజముà°•ు ) మధ్à°¯ à°¤ేà°¡ా à°‰ంà°¦ి à°…à°¨ి à°—్à°°à°¹ింà°šాà°²ి . à°šà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°®ు à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీ . à°ª్à°°à°­ుà°¤్వము à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీà°•ి à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీ . à°­ాà°°à°¤ీà°¯ à°ªోà°²ీà°¸ు à°µాà°°ు అనగా à°ªాà°°్à°Ÿీà°¨ి అమలు à°šేà°¯ుà°µాà°°ు .

See how German chancellor merkel is teaching German history in school !


Path to Hinduism is Buddhism. Because Hinduism is violent antisocial(tamas) path. A true Hindu treads Buddhist path to reach and stay in goal of world Hinduism. Hinduism includes mysticity(maya). Only British anthropologists and sociologists in British universities know very much about rama Rajya.


When there is brightness,there must be contrast to it.


United Arab Emirates is independent and successful state by united constitution of 7 emirates in 1972 AD.


Amazing !


Will power to succeed is inculcated among Dubai people by Dubai rulers.


Sambaraala "RAM"babu is not dharma daatha "but empowerment giver of self-seeking knowledge". Pl.note that being-righteousness and prevailing-truth(power) are different.


If mind is 10% cultured,then one can not do crime even if one wishes to do. And one can not have illness even if one wishes to have illness. Simple !


CINEMA MEANS MORAL-MIND AGAINST ONE'S BLIND BELIEFS THAT NATURALLY PERCOLATE INTO SELF BECAUSE LACK OF MIND EXPANSION BY APPLYING MIND ON MIND AGAIN. Cinema caters to all three(fearful-mindset,valour-mindset and graceful-mindset) types of social-mindset SITUATIONS. Indian cinema is drama-oriented action cinema. Whereas Hollywood cinema is action-oriented drama cinema. Or vice-versa. As you are believing in social four(4), you must believe in social plurality(10). That means pluralistic society means class of (4*10=) 40.


See ! Being lawful is socially criminal. One should be lawful only to lawful. In other words,one should not be lawful to unmindful being. Let us pay our sympathies to benguluru night rape victim first while commenting about "unmindful behaviour" of concerned woman in form of short cloths and night time movements at next. Because for any complex issue like this,giving simple support to victim will not serve ends of justice. We should offer conditional support in future to this kind of incidents "to make evil of rapists self-eliminate by itself through our inclusive-mindset of both sides of incident". Indian national congress ek SOCH. INC thinking starts at where people thinking ends. INC is philosophical on these social issues "by seeing opportunity in disaster" and "by provoking minds of ALL SECTIONS OF PEOPLE towards making all people as sensibles among themselves". We at INC believes in being rotten-mindset against rotten-mindset "even though it appears as awkward" to make people come clean forever by themselves "through our graceful-mindset to accused". After all,criminal does have heart of his own even though society doesn't respect criminal heart. Legal and moral experts need study my logic above reason.

There are just only three types of situations in human society. 1.Fearful-minded situation  2.Valour-minded situation 3.Graceful-minded situation. Out of above three situations,only graceful-minded situation is right and good. Other two situations are either just right or just good "but not right and good". Wisdom should prevail over intelligence. Sense(being din to din) should prevail over din. Truth is bitter(tasty to tasty in taste) which prevails as tasty. YES ! I AM RIGHT AND GOOD over these kinds of diabolical and dual situations. JUSTICE IS NATURAL IN MATURE SOCIETY.

Director K.Raghavendra Rao gave break again to Late.NTR from these stereotype films, Do late.NTR fans agree with me about this point ? I hope so.


More and more programs like these need be commenced by telugu tv channels other than ETV.
