
Showing posts from November 15, 2012

Voice may take another form but sense should be same.

Spirituality is social. So any future political leader need read all places,all people at all times.


BIG is by both small and fractional. Social & word are by sense only. WORD & SOCIAL MAY CHANGE BUT NOT SENSE. Corruption is because people are not believing their words. Sender & receiver may change but not field will not change. HOW CAN 3 DISTINCT SOCIAL ENTITIES(I,YOU & HE) MAINTAIN IMMORALITY? So those who said that system became immoral are half-truthfuls. Without staying & seeing social,one should not be professional(personal). First we should know about external and top. Next we should know about internal and bottom. Above law is applicable for both indian and world. All knowledge can't be explained to all people under all situations. So hand(sense) & mind(voice) both are required to work. Leader comes from what followers say.So why criticising leader alone?