
Showing posts from May 11, 2013

Many pundits talked intellectually for past 65 years but those words by their names are characterless.

Social system functions between both infinity and zero. So self should function between twenty and one.

NTR life is not success.

Success is liking yourself,liking what you do and liking how you do it.-maya angelou.

Actors and instructors need follow gandhi.I found that at present 66% actors and instructors are hurting followers.

Job of actor is to make people true to their self in system and self-in-self. True to their self means to avoid hearing and talking other's words.

Literacy and thinking are different being same.

One has to be self-in-system. Otherwise systemic issues crop up. I found 66% people lack right character being good with bad persons and bad with good persons thus to be anti-systemic. Good person is one who is systemic being personal. Bad person is one who is systemic without being personal.