
Showing posts from April 13, 2016

Minor boy dies as fire stunt goes awry - TV9


Objective-thinkers (BJP) must note that both objectivity and subjectivity are two-sides of same coin.

Anarchy if limited in society works wonders in mature democratic system.

Innovation of society(India)(knowledge)(subjective-spirit) against either objectivity(Buorgeous) or subjectivity(revolution) brings about world-humanism world-peace(equality) and world-unity. Innovation of Indian(social) society(knowledge) makes world-conflicts between nations self-eliminate by themselves. That means a leader thus became need not solve any world conflicts on his own. That means indian intervention as world leader in world affairs(conflicts) is not at all needed and questioned "AS WAS IN THE PAST". And no nation will question Indian leadership in future. That is NON-ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT.

INNOVATION of social(knowledge)-sense(thought) is foundation stone of independent India which was laid by m k Gandhi. INNOVATION is the futuristic thing against rudimentary thought of "present" and "past continuity".                      

Those who provoke other/s will naturally get provoked. This is historical truth that every human must accept. Diabolism(extreme-extreme) should not be Asoka dharma chakra ("cycle of righteousness") anymore.


Indian youth must know that their better questioning should end up with their better answering "if they think that they are not getting better answer from their listener/s satisfactorily".

Many people used to ask about my work. In this regard,I "reiterate" that work is defined as lateral(litigant) contribution of person(mind) voice which must be consistent(moral) against adverse question/s. -------- That means any work which is not consistent(moral) with self against adversaries question/s is not at all be work. I think Indian youth who lack life experience and are used to dreaming about life are satisfied with this definition of work. ---------

Mathematical knowledge : Series is defined as chain of things. Biochemical reactions knowledge : Complex statement is defined as subjective-mind between present tense,past continuous tense and future tense.

Mind CONSISTENCY means morality. Consistency against adverse questions is,has to be and will be tested over series of complex sentences(statements).

Telugu literature(both prose and poetry) is wonderful.

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Everybody needs computer foundation course and password-protected windows USER ACCOUNT. Because everybody in world can't afford to buy PC of his/her own.

I believe in foundation courses of every kind.

One has to manage self(sensible mindful voice) by 'dignity,effort and time'.


This is gist about science,scientist and science book. To use technology,both reactionary parties and revolutionary parties need be directed by centrist Indian national congress in this regard. Pl.note that reactionary parties and revolutionary parties are just "appearing-good" whatever they may say that their ideology is also "being-good". Appearing-good in social means good-character in social. Socially-good character can never make people as personally-good character people whatever may be the level of technology for better future.

Technology use should not be indiscrete. We indains need use technology in every economic sector with high degree of discretion. There must be balance between man and machine "to be self(sensible mindful voice)-in-self-and-other".

Relation between CM/PM and ministers can't be understood by Indian voters as Indian voters are not having ENOUGH time to study politics and adminstration.

Unfortunately we Indian voters failed to recognise difference between state govt ministers council duties and central govt ministers council duties. And unfortunately we Indian voters failed to recognise difference between ministers duties and public adminstrators duties.