
Showing posts from March 4, 2017

Indian Maoist party which is thinking that both people and their govt are same is in fool's paradise.

Voter and "vote to govt" are different. When will all Indian voters know above difference ?

Telugu cinema comedy is super.


Because society is civilised so that rheoteric will not be consistent against adverse questions "but appears like that".

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It is sin to underestimate Ex.PM of India pandit Jawaharlal Nehru contribution towards strengthening public administration and commisionerates in central govt level "against regionalism" towards self-elimination of regionalism and casteism in politics.

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O fascists ! Never think that your rule will be better than "imperial-mind-being-social-democratic-prevailance". But fascist rule will definitely eliminate anarchy in society. Yes ! I do agree that. That is why we at Indian national congress tactically got defeated in AP state assembly 2014 elections by TDP so that YSRCP gets eliminated by TDP in power.

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