
Showing posts from April 7, 2011


1)Ramudemannadoy! Manushulaara! Maya marmam vaddhannadoy! 2)Srirama naamaalu satha koti.Okkokka peru bahu theepi!  Bahu theepi!

Religious extremism is reserved for last moment of life to be rational.

Religious extremism must be reserved for last moment of life to be rational thinker-philosopher-innovator like M K Gandhi. M K Gandhi moderated the most powerful name on earth(RAM) by cooling his 4 person social audiences sense to provoke his audience 4 person social audiences thinking. Raghupati raghava rajaram, Pathitha pavana sitaram, Eswar allah tero naam, Sabko sannuthi de 'bhagavan'(like satyasai is giving sannuthi to his devoteess that SOCIAL,SPIRITUAL & SCIENCE ARE ONE & SAME). Don't neglect either social & spiritual or science. Jai sriram is 100% selfish in personal psychology. Hey ram is rational religious extremism which must be reserved for last moment of true hindu way of life.     


Truth is such that  even though eluka kannaalu(40 cr.low class immorals) are wrongfuls in learning, police must defeat street corner antisocial snakes (underworld mafia) on regular,important & urgent basis. Then eluka kannaalu will uplift themselves thro' discussion-explanation-evaluation-instruction with those brilliant greats who criticise always. Eluka kannaalu(40 cr.low class immorals) must learn LEGAL knowledge first,MATERIAL knowledge next & LYRICAL knowledge last.

Social system has second resurrection after brilliant devil fails at last moment.

Social system is 66% deceptive after becoming 33% underworld to be 100% truthful. Police system is 33% conservative deserving after becoming 66% moderate deserving to be 0% deserving. People have 66% moderate earning power after becoming 33% conservative earning power to be 100% liberal earning power. 

Idol worship is 100% selfish in personal psychology.

Personal psychology is moral with 33% selfish & 66% social. Personal psychology is immoral with 100% selfish through idol installation & worship. Nowhere in vedas & their period before 6000 yrs ago,idol worship didn't exist. Around 6000 yrs ago,divisive casteism,coersive idolism,selfish ritualism started so as to start policing.   

Human being is known by his/her father name,his/her earned name & his/her work/psychology

Human being is identified by father name,own name & address as well as his/her work.

brilliant bjp fails at last moment naturally

So congress must be founded with resurretion after 40+60 yrs.   

33% care with praise always ,33% criticise always.33% don't bother always.

I found mixed feeling in public towards myself. 33% care with praise always. 33% criticise always. 33% don't bother always.

Public vote,public tax & public psychology

One can vote for self. One need not pay tax while spending if he/she worries about immoral poor. LIKE ME,One is the lord to oneself if one can change public psychology through his/her own field psychology with personal psychology.    

memory discipline of mind leads to moral psychology

Memory(thought) DISCIPLINE & concentration in subjects of interest leads to moral psychology for social obedience. Next is sincerety & right character.