
Showing posts from June 29, 2016

I like this culture.


Bobby is pleasant raj kapoor dream.


Singer hemant Kumar voice is pleasant. HUMAN BODY IS BASICALLY PLEASANT unless made emotional by self or other/s.


Politcs means voice empowerment. Social means knowledge(subjectivity)(complexity). Even though both Politcal and social appear as same,Politcal is sense prevailance whereas social is knowledge(complexity) which is self(sensible mindful voice).


Yes ! Even though mahinda rajapaksa has imperial traits,we should know that being imperial to imperial is true social democracy against anarchy(what-not-to-do). .


CINEMA IS WHOLESOME THING FOR ANY AUDIENCE. There can't be any divisiveness among heroes and directors when audience is asked to discuss about role played by CINEMA in his life. Divisiveness exists and is supposed to exist only among heroes and directors. ANY MIND IS LIKE WAVE/S OR INTRICATELY-WOVEN FABRIC.


If illness is supposed to creep in govt power(truth) of any country,those who are not in govt power then should be for govt to change its illness. That is the universal principle throughout world not to meddle in troubled waters. Because all is,has to be and will be well that ends well.


How can anybody who has intellect of his own can SELF-DECEIVE TO LIVE IN TRUE-REAL SOCIETY ? Is it not curtailment of ram Gopal Varma freedom of expression on ganesa ? Is it not self-deception of ram Gopal Varma to curtail,his own conscience ? Even Lord ganesa will take RGV tweet in lighter vein supposing Lord gamesa is God(fear) ? Any faith if it is allowed to become chauvinism by any social member will be detrimental to society. Any religious belief should be complexed with its rational belief. Otherwise there is no point in having freedom of expression in SOCIAL DEMOCRACY ? I support ram Gopal Varma way of praying Lord ganesa which may be "negative of positive" form. ANYHOW WE HINDUS SHOULD BE LIBERATED FROM OUR OWN FEAR(GOD). I hope that is what our Hindu gods plural rationality expect us to live in this world ETERNALLY. There must be sense prevailance over any level of argument on faith by any human being. We should not go on having any amount of personal beliefs without allowing rationality to those personal beliefs by any social groups.Becuase it will cause sense of self-deception among those who have their own other ways of expression about same thing. MIND HAS MANY SYSTEM RESTORE POINTS TO EXPRESS ONE'S SELF-CONVICTION ABOUT SAME THING. Have these chavunists not heard saying "Ekam sat. VIpra bahudha vadanthi " ? Truth is one. But pundits tell in "many different " ways. Mind has five spheres of expression. Pl.note.

à°µ్యక్à°¤ిà°—à°¤(à°­ాà°µ à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ )  à°¸్à°µేà°š్à°› అనగా ఇతరుà°² à°µ్యక్à°¤ిà°—à°¤ à°®ూఢనమ్మకములకు à°µ్యతిà°°ేà°•à°®ుà°—ా à°¸à°®ాజముà°²ో à°µ్యక్à°¤ి  à°¯ొà°•్à°•  à°®ైంà°¡్(à°®ాà°Ÿ ) à°…à°ª్à°²ిà°•ేà°·à°¨్ . à°¸ిà°¨ిà°®ా దర్శకుà°¡ు à°°ాà°®్ à°—ోà°ªాà°²్ వర్à°® à°—à°£ేà°¶ుà°¡ి à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°…వమానకరముà°—ా à°Ÿ్à°µిà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°°్ à°²ో à°Ÿ్à°µీà°Ÿ్ à°šేà°¸ే à°µ్యక్à°¤ిà°—à°¤ (à°­ాà°µ à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨) à°¸్à°µేà°š్à°› à°²ేà°¦ా ? à°…à°¨ి à°¨ేà°¨ు à°…ందరిà°¨ీ à°‡ంà°¦ుà°®ూలముà°—ా à°…à°¡ుà°—ుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు .

You have got internet(knowledge) at your hand. And you have got subjectivity(statement/s to make) at your mind. So you can liberate yourself and your other/s. I REITERATE THAT social goals are clearly set as world unity,equality and truth(power) against ambiguity. But our group(business)(military) goals are not clearly set and need be clearly set from present ambiguity(lack of personally-right character).

à°µివరణ శక్à°¤ి à°•à°¨్à°¨ా à°µిà°¨ిà°•ిà°¡ి శక్à°¤ి à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి ఉత్తమోà°¤్తమమైనది .

So let us complex complexity(between "being so" and "saying so") for THE BETTER WORLD which is SOCIAL SENSE.

The only rotten problem in society over the ages is conflict between morality which is "BEING SO" and immorality which is "SAYING SO". 

The Taliban in Pakistan


Jr NTR's Janatha Garage Villain Unni Mukundan's mass action scene from S...


Painting Exhibition at Kalakriti Art Gallery in Hyderabad (25-06-2016)

Painting Exhibition in Hyderabad, Icon Art Gallery (29-06-2016)


Lieutenant General Denzil Kobbekaduwa


Footsteps of a REAL HERO

    Heroes stay forever by word and deed.     And heroes are decided at last(the ultimate of the ultimate) and at the ultimate.

Mahinda Rajapaksa Documentry
