
Showing posts from July 22, 2012

55000 crorepatis by 2011-12 in india

A crorepati talking with another crorepati is illegal. A crorepati may be either system leader or business organiser. A crorepati has social(indian) responsibility to hold 6000 caste voices. 


Truth is midpoint of YELLOW-reactionary force; BLUE-Antispiritual force; RED-imperial force and GREEN-immoral legal force.

Person is by address.

Giving appointment is to know better over the best(extreme-extreme)(the worst of the worst).

Giving voice and taking voice should be by change,balance,precision & solution.

One should become social(indian) at first and personal(hindu)(native by real & imagination) at next. Brilliance is not in academic course to become self. Brilliance is in becoming self among 6000 caste voices. Brilliance is by thought clarity-discipline and voice nonlinearity-sense.

Police & media in knowledge age will die for social(govt)-sense(party).

Teacher works on every yesterday. So teacher is persona-non-grata in knowledge world. 2)Films are meant for low immorals and students only. Students bring name to teacher by self-realisation in social. 

Legal intellectuals need follow engineer social psychology.

Engineer appears with PC with net connectivity at hand. Engineer works at system-4 forces-organisation-person for real truth. 2)Legal intellectual appears with pen and notebook at hand. 3)Medical intellectual appears with skethescope at hand. 4)Business & media intellectual appears with shop at hand.   

One has to write other by name and face or address.

System(govt)(legal&medical),4 forces,business&media organisations and persons exist as one and same internally-externally.  

4 forces(voice) has to change system(sense) into true.Satvam(reactionary force) always thinks about every yesterday.It is illegal.

Yes! There is urgent need for legal intellectuals and medical intellectuals to become social(indian tricolour with blue dharma chakra). Dharma(righteousness) has chakra with 24 spokes. Intellectual is for system-4 forces-organisation-person. FOR is not BEING. So intellectual and leader make organisation and person into true and social.


Media should know that system(govt) is different from sense(party). System(sense) is duty of legal intellectuals and medical intellectuals TOWARDS CHANGE INTO TRUE. Force(voice) has duty to win public election,get public mandate from election and fulfill election promises FOR GOVERNANCE. Both are diabolical at 12th fraction for last & ultimate. Organisation is duty of businesspersons and media FOR ACTION.  Engineers identify & analyse system problem.Business & media organisations has to fix system problem. This is knowledge age.So one should believe other's word by his/her name-face-address.      


After seeing human beings intelligence,divine exclaimed once. 

Vote of vote is sense being reverse elite.

Police,media,film field & opposition work(voice) are different in social influence to change system.

SYSTEM is different from ORGANISATION.

Engineers are systemic reformers into truth.So they need get paid by SYSTEM(finance miniser or finance  secretary) for their work(voice).They should not be paid by BUSINESS ORGANISATION CEO as ambiguity..