
Showing posts from March 22, 2012


Engineering is social professional course of health,respect and vision for wealth management between Rs.4 cr. and Rs.20 name-face with/without voice.

Let every human do moral policing.

Andhra Pradesh state in india is key to nation & world. AP state by-elections results on 21st march,2012 revealed important political pointers about future of indian national congress & its leadership to nation & world. 1)Money power in politics must be controlled. 2)Better socio-economics needs to be managed by socio-political morality. 3)Richness needs to be controlled at Rs.20 cr. for constitutional equality. 4)Numerical knowledge gives human HEALTH(first pointer of wealth). English grammar gives RESPECT(next pointer of wealth). Biochemistry gives VISION(last pointer of wealth). So it is duty of every human by name,face & voice to ensure normal BETTER socio-economics in world.     Both greed & pessimism are immoral.

Install update.

Update is discipline. Software update is software discipline from commercial server.

Leader has voice.

True rich crorepathi social behaviour is odd at first as 91. There are two top brackets of true crorepathis. 1)Businessperson by name,face without voice  2)Public leader by name,face with voice 

My self is in top bracket.Isn't it?

Asking is upto Rs.20000. Earning starts(labourer) at Rs.20000. Earning by name(workman) starts at Rs.4 lakhs. Earning by name & voice(employee) starts at Rs.20 lakhs. Earning by name & face without voice(businessperson) starts at Rs.4 cr. Earning by name & face with voice(leader) starts at Rs.20 cr. 

Charkha:Medium mind in dynnamic world is true high.

There are 5 mind classifications by CLASS & PSYCHOLOGY in dynamic world for institution of social marraige. Numerous divorces MUST BE GIVEN by law court if they are filed through police TO AVOID CRIMINALITY & CORRUPTION. IMPORTANT LAW POINT:Social world is more sacred than personal marraige and religious righteousness. Sangham saranam gachchaami. Path to hindu righteous law is through buddhist 8 fold-path enlightenment. 1)High:High class need marry high class.  2)High-medium:High-medium class need marry high-medium. 3)Medium:Medium class need marry medium class. 4)Low-medium:Low-medium class need marry low-medium class. 5)Low:Low class need marry low class.

Numerical knowledge(health),english grammar(respect) & biochemistry(vision)respectumerical

Numerical knowledge(health),english grammar(respect) & biochemistry(vision) are needed first to ask & earn money by name,face & voice. One should not give personal information to disrespected other even if asked. 

Talk with knowledge(buddhiki buddhi).

Talking is by knowledge(buddhiki buddhi). 5 social vulnerables(clerks,middlemen,low immorals,antisocial fundamentalists & police) have just intelligence(buddhi). So instructors need instruct way2talk first through thought&voice. Till then,I can only voice other by way2sms.  

I can loose Rs.1 cr.Employees,workmen&labourer can't as they can't have Rs.1 cr.

I give first and take next as businessperson/social leader. Others take first and give next as employee/workman/labourer. Both of us give & take with difference of sense.

Atma means RAMA.

Atma(soul/self) means RAMA. How can nameless persons have atma?


Experience on computer is needed in digital age.

Business quality dies by 2026 A.D.

Business quality in social is illegal. Leadership quality in social is legal. Business quality instructors need grow leadership quality in class. 

Practice sharp-shooting game.

Hero aims target by villain through bow & arrow. Like villain.Love hero.Hate side-hero(comedian). 

I like favourites.I love enemies.I hate friends.

Hero is by villain. Hero is by moral 2(2*1/3+1/3)+2(1/3)=2. Hero is not born but made.


Thoughts make enemies. So voice should be love of enemies. Thought & voice are different to be same. One can't see thought. But one can see voice.


Language is key for wealth. So let's be good character by english(indian) at first and native by language at next.

Majority rule all.

Majority of votes is not majority of seats of power. Maoists in india may get majority of votes now. But congress gets majority of seats by segment(inclusive divide).