
Showing posts from May 3, 2012

Geometric proportion

One should be for system by earthen patience to tell system 10 times,100 times,1000 times,10000 times & 100000 times for change day by day. Change is sudden & by fit of moment at last. One should be for system to change. If one is against system,he/she becomes system to be changed. So be THE CHANGE.

Film narration uses 9 types of english grammar by info-bio.

9 types of english grammar: 1.Direct-indirect speech 2.Active-passive voice 3.Comparative-superlative  4.Past,present & future tenses 5.Simple,complex & compound sentences M K Gandhi is pandit in english grammar with belief in heart. I am deceptive info-bio with belief in voice. Both form true city/district. So take life climax as introduction for last moment success in truth forever. Film script-writing & casting use above 9 types of english grammar in narration.

Love & action make hero to be united with heroine at last..

Action is 1/3rd part of life to be hero. Making of hero is facing social insults-injustice at 2/3rds part of love & action.  Action means fight or struggle. One has to fight in passive with public adminstration through his/her VOICE for human liberation.

Ambiguity is to be solved at the end of part 2.

Ambiguity is causing devils. Let's solve social ambiguity by being ambiguous to it FOR SUCCESS IN TRUTH AT THE END OF PART 2.

Voice logic

Police are BOTH positive if people contact AND negative if police contact. Public adminstration is EITHER positive OR negative.

Are we humans basically?

8 heads of account Rs.10000:  WALKING & GIVING are first. SEEING & TAKING are next. VOICING & THINKING are last. HEARING & EATING are ultimate.