
Showing posts from July 6, 2012

DIVINE IS EARNING SENSE(being inverse elite) THROUGH DEVIL(being 100% perfect)(social criminals and political criminals).

An earner(deserving) face ONLY can understand another earner(deserving) face among social four to their social four each.

Have sense.Be RAJA.Pl.know that LOBHAM is either satva gunam or tamo gunam.

I am not for charity.But I am for sense(0.001%)(1 lac part of Rs.100). This sense makes appearing person into true person by face in native(hindu)-social(indian). This is voice security by transparency.Governance is within everyone self. If one gives Re.1 to beggar by face in native(hindu)-social(indian),then beggar becomes security for one's sense(hrudayam). Lobha gunam is reactionary force which invites antisocial force(tamo gunam).  

Voice and sense are everything.

At first is ambiguity.At next is imagination.At last is truth.At ultimate is reality. Present is truth at last which starts from 9 and ends at 16 for social four at ultimate.

Sense is inverse elite rule.

Sense is monkey mindset. Sense is inverse elite rule. Sense is against dog mindset. First age films are reactionary,Next age films are antisocial.Last age films are imperial.    

Film purpose is induce devilish FEAR for divine LIGHT..

Films are for audience of immoral(working) class only. Film first half is character build and next half is quality build by twists and turns FOR FEAR. Through devilish fear only,one can see divine light. 

Social blogs are read & analysed by police for persistent consistency.

Public instructing & composing are making audience cool to provoke public sense.INC provokes personal voice for name. Public composing is only through public instruction(song). Public instruction is only through public explanation(dialogues). Public explanation is only through personal name-face-voice(copyright).