
Showing posts from July 4, 2012

Academics is to define social-psyche.

Brilliants have more memory. Averages(brilliant brilliance) have more analysis. Poor have more creativity. Social psyche is scientifically NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN and medically AYURVEDA(NATUROPATHY)-ALLOPATHY.

Let's evolve social psyche being NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN.

Personal TWEETS among same workgroup and social BLOGS make everyone as imaginative  ambiguity on first day for real truth at

Blog makes everyone as religious.

Blog is audience to solve social into NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN by avoiding saitans & kafirs. 

Business means employees social character by face-voice through court respect.

Actors without right story script is not business proposition.   Acting personals(vruthi) training is personal character. Acting socials(pravruthi) is social character by face-voice without court respect. Court respect in acting is by film director/s only.

Social character for media & business organisations is at first.Indian social instruction reform for NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN is at next.

M K Gandhi-B.R.Ambedkar hardwork for NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN is being enjoyed by hindu swamijis-babas in present global world. Yes! Demand for NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN (tricolour) in social instruction by hindu swamijis-babas is justified through peaceful forms of protest by all parties including maoists-hindu swamijis.  Indian social instruction must be reformed immediately in next two years to improve social psyche and universalise NATIVE(HINDU)-INDIAN thought.

Voice by name-address is by write first and face next.

HINDU-INDIAN is only from may/june 2012 A.D.after 60 yrs of indian liberation. World & india came of human age just now.

Voice complexity

Making of HINDU-INDIAN is only at next.

Oh hindu swamijis ! See friends in your religious adversaries Religious adversity is to make many as HINDU-INDIAN.

Do anyone know why world muslims-christian leaders are calling non-native(hindu) indians as kafirs and saitans? Because non-native(hindu) indians don't have SENSE(voice OF voice)(voice complexity). 

Let's listen voice of mature socials above 45 yrs age.

If a person worth Rs.20000-400000 is not listened by social in first 30 yrs,then naturally there is reason that society may think different to make him/her a crorepati in next 30 yrs. That is the purpose of academics.

Words are to be followed by other/s heart at first.Shouting follows at next if not heard by other/s heart.

First 30 yrs of organisational media & business is for good mature personal(vruthi). Next 30 yrs of organisational media & business is for good mature social(pravruthi). 

Journalists & employees are not dolls & slaves.

Why media organisations(managements & editors) are carrying characterless journalist's voce by name AND objectiveless advertiser's advertisements? Are media managements & editors adolescent about journalist voice by name? Can't media managements & editors put compulsion for legal character on journalist's voice by name? Organisational(media & business) social character means putting compulsion for legal character on journalist voice by name and employee face by conduct. Journalists & employees are needed to have social character for moral-legality.  

Being personal is ILL.Being social is GOOD.

ILL has goodness that it agrees it has ill. GOOD has illness that it doesn't agree it has ill. So good brilliant personals need become good brilliant socials at first. Then good average personals need be good average socials at next. 

World christians-muslims are campaigning for INC(being hindu-indian).

Indian National Congress is not born & built as organisation like media & business. Indian National Congress is born as siva to be interchanged into narayana. INC is mole of native(hindu)-indian for world. And christians-muslims in world are campaigning for INC. 

"kaakara kaaya-keekara kaaya"(telugu)

Academic adminstrators in world schools & colleges need DIVIDE-INCLUDE-REDIVIDE-REINCLUDE class of brilliants and averages(brilliants of brilliants). System engine works on DIVIDE(suction)-INCLUDE(compression)-REDIVIDE(ignition)-REINCLUDE(exhaustion). So primary & higher-secondary education needs research by computer systems of input-info-output to make universalise education. Present education is being personal(vruthi) in being social(pravruthi) for wrong. It should change into being social(pravruthi) in being personal(vruthi) to inculcate & improve moral social psyche(gunam) among learners.