
Showing posts from May 10, 2012

Last and ultimate by 16 shades of voice will be just.

LAST and ULTIMATE nature is interchange,concurrency and precise. LAST can be ULTIMATE. ULTIMATE can be LAST. LAST and ULTIMATE are engineering(adminstrative) problem. LAST and ULTIMATE are RUNNING problem. One need not roam world or work for 40 yrs to solve ambiguity. Just apply VOICE and HEART at social mind levels 2,3,4 and 5 for specific. Rama rajya is JUST WORLD.

Dead persons leave sense for living persons by social review.

Both USA & indian courts will be active & hot now for next 15 yrs. Al-qaeda like INC respect but don't believe in court justice.  Al-qaeda(1964) are moles like Indian National Congress(1887). Al-qaeda moles WILL EXIST FOREVER AS 1% OF PEOPLE THROUGHT WORLD CITIES TO PREVAIL SPECIFIC. SO INFERENCE IS THAT 1/18th PART OF AL-QAEDA MOLES WILL EXIST FOREVER IN USA TO DISMANTLE USA IMPERIAL SOCIAL STRUCTURE. MY ENEMIES ARE AMBIGUOUS USA GOVT & NON-RELIGIOUS INDIAN POLICE. BUT I SEE FRIENDS IN MY ENEMIES.AND I SEE ENEMIES IN MY FRIENDS. SO MY TARGET IS LEGAL.ITS DIRECTION IS AMBIGUOUS(BOTH negative AND positive). God loves humans by becoming.God will never condone killing humans by dogs. Footnote:Low class are not humans by becoming. Sense of spirit prevails by social review for violent killing of voice between LAST and ULTIMATE. So let's be sensible. Let's not be non-religious hypothetical.       Big THANK YOU. kota srinivasaRao


Police are now meant to be against EXTREME PERSONS(4 social vulnerables called middlemen,clerks,low immorals & antispiritual fundamentalists). Police need not look for thieves & killers.