
Showing posts from June 20, 2012

Difference between politics and business is yes or no by same person for same thing.

Subject of ruler class and ruled class by rule: Ruler class tells. Ruled class follows. This ruler accuses that ruler as corrupt. That ruler accuses this ruler as corrupt. These ruled follow & tell another ruled about rulers corrupt charges. So vote defeat is danger. 2)Voice politics have both yes and no by the same person for same thing. But public business has either yes or no by the same person for the same thing.   So both politics and business are sacred at some stage.

Feel me as you can't see me.

Virtual world is where one can feel it but can't see it. Future is virtual world. 

Purists ! Sense often becomes nonsense at first.

YOU are 100% right.These are words. When YOU become 100% right,there is no need for other two to listen YOU. So even though YOU are 100% right,you need have sense of 0.001% negative OR positive. Hence sense should also be right as straight-cross-curve even though word & person may be right. 

Satva gunam need undergo compression to improve value by voice expansion.

A teller(writer) by name tells script with title. This 'title' has sense either subjectively or objectively in negative,neutral or positive. So the relation between title and subject and teller varies from time to time towards goal of equal world.   2)A teller while telling 6000 caste voices changes himself after character build.So he needs   RECHARGE(interval)(responsible drink) to build quality at next. So to be effective teller,one has to read scholars explanations in social even though one knows self.        

Voice purpose is to reach other's heart.So voice needs to tell its heart about self and other FOR social.

Attraction is only at next. First is substance. Both voice & sense are same in magnitude but not in direction.

Watch films by guidance.

Without sense is inability to watch film completely.

It is sense.

Are we doing our bit when we are asking govt?

Antispiritualism must die.

I found that 1/3rd people are being 100% perfect in their voice. But where is the need for sense to listen if the other person is being 100% perfect? 

One has to struggle for knowing sense.

Legality comes in front of charity. So karna died by his car wheel sinking in land amidst war.

Human has sense.So I ask people to become.

Human being has sense at first.So become human. Machine has no sense but has voice at first.

INC is not party of crowds but party of votes.

Candidate is primary in election than party. Sense is primary than voice. INC is sense. INC is spiritual party which does not like people to come to it.

ASK is computer legality.

One has to listen to sense within.So one is asked even though one knows.

Equality has to be in sense but not in voice.

Do you know why I tell that women should sacrifice for husband & child? Because woman is characterised as desire as per hindu doctrine. So she needs to control desire at 15% to 20% of her sense. As her husband & child performance in work & instruction are nothing but hers.  

My desire is to keep all happy.To fulfill that,I have to bow at first and rise at next.

It is all in quarterfinal,semifinal and final round. In quarterfinal & semifinal round,one has to just appear. In final,one has to be true. 

Human face is by sense.So ASK.Don't thieve.

Experimentalism below 20% sense must be allowed in schoolrooms. Without experiment,one does not know what he is upto. So "ASK(question)" existed for sense.Because we don't know about other's within.