
Showing posts from January 16, 2013

ticket rates increase in AP state cinema halls

Film industry is by total cinema hall seats per year. So ticket rates increase in AP state is justified. 

virtual world is by and for real world.

Internet activity need improve among indians and world. 

Doctors need rethink on prescriptions & dosage.

If a team/group of engineers can do in any part of world,why can't another team/group of engineers can't do it? If a team/group of doctors can do in any part of world,why can't another team/group of doctors can't do it?


Engineer does business OF businesspersons. So engineering course has craze. But craze is not enough. One should have engineering 16-level self within to blossom through social rocking over 20 yrs. Engineering is control systems at first;use of power(sense) devices at next;design of machinery at last and building structures at ultimate.

Everybody is being SOME for EXTREME-EXTREME.

Dualism is for there being here again. Diabolism is social sin of person. Diabolism needs to be solved by diabolical-dualism only.

Political arrest in mature democracy is criminal.Indian Maoist party must know the truth.

50:50 logic is not enough.It must include self-reason-in-social four. By supposing that police,doctors,media & film-makers can't be socially responsible towards equality,m k gandhi and his indian national congress worked hard by social psychology.  

Politics are sacred but includes sinfuls to eliminate by themselves.

In politics,face is first and voice-sense is next. In business/adminstration,voice-sense is first and face is next. 

Amitabh bachchan! Indian cinema "does integrate" people but "fails to equalise" people.

Scientist is becoming artist to be scientist again. Artist is becoming scientist to be artist again. Political is 16 level. Business is 8 level. Employee is 4 level. Worker is the base back to 16 level. After becoming political being or business/adminstrative being,name is money.

Politics & people are sacred.

Sin is by thought,word and conduct. If there is no sin,there is no need of temple hundi. Hindu swamijis and babas want to be hundi donations forever! Like police want crime(thieving,killing and antisocial) forever. Like doctors want illness(heart & skin) forever. Like mediapersons want perversion forever. Like film-makers want explanation forever.

Indian woman should know that she is senseless social voice only.

Indian woman is both individualised and submissive. So she must leave her submissive mind for freedom.