
Showing posts from May 5, 2017

Social(knowledge) and spiritual contradict even though appear same. But India is liberated on two layers. 1.Social and 2. Spiritual.


Humanism means respect for high and low. Humanism is respect for negativity,positivity and neutrality. When you say one,that means you are one to another one which is appearing(feeling) as two among being three for four socials.

NEVER GIVE FULL. This social administrative basic principle is make self and other/s as discrete and disciplined ABOUT SELF(sensible mindful voice by sensible complex subjectivity).

Everything in world(other/s) is within your body. So you are violent with yourself when you are violent with other/s. MIND(which is heart within heart which is making heart to work) IS HIGHLY INDIVIDUALISED AND UNIQUE SO THAT YOU HAVE TO REALISE YOUR SELF WITHIN BY DISCRETION AND DISCIPLINE. Discipline is not exposure in social as Hindu swamiji-babas and Indian Maoists are excelling at their best. You have to search your self(sensible mindful voice by sensible complex subjectivity). And you have to be your self. Or else you will be made so by other/s sooner or later. Any amount of deceiving self in mature democratic society will be suicidal as oneself is responsible for self in DEMOCRACY towards economic liberation which is yet to come. Indian political liberation purpose is economic liberation.
