
Showing posts from May 18, 2011


Being jack of all trades is bachelor of engineering. JACK means academic AVERAGE for social UNIQUE & GLOW. Be JACK.Don't be ACE,KING or QUEEN.

Merciless law has limitation.Socio-legals must be noble in their profession..

  Law has limitation so that mercy must be included after open trial. Socio-legals must be 45 yrs age noble in their profession. 

Street corner antisocials & public corruption are conspiracy for crime.

Street corner antisocials & public corruptors are conspirators against present merciless law. I accuse indian police for not demanding merciful law from their pseudo-secular 33% extremist law makers for past 60 yrs. I believe that both law & its enforcement machinery should not be merciless. Indian statute book & its socio-legals must CHANGE by believing that spirituality & science are same without suspicion. Then world follows indian change to be led by INC through absolute majority in indian parliament by 2026 AD.    

America will be disease as SOCIAL MIND with conservative 33% deserving

America will be HELL with sinful diseases. India will be HEAVEN with voice of world. I am sriramachandra who is HERE ON EARTH FOR HELL THERE TO BE HEAVEN HERE AGAIN.

Community of self interest is virtual domain

Know your self for social.Know your community of self-interest for social. Publicly contribute your work worth Rs.2 cr. through community for SELF deserving of Rs.1 cr.  Declare Rs.1 cr.through your community in society by being morally good.