
Showing posts from February 1, 2012


Death is violent at 15%-20% inner self in social even though appearing peaceful by ill/old age. Some are unknown lives. Some die for next life. Some leave this world for another world. Some live true in forever LIKE ME & GANDHI. So I say that indian reactionaries are politicising suicides.REACTIONARIES! STOP NUISANCE! Is it illegal to kill killers on earth? Killers may kill all other humans on earth. Is it illegal to allow life failures with no suicides? Life failures may take credit from all other humans on earth making poor world.

comment pl.

I like tamil language as it is my inner voice. I like rustic living as jack hut. I like sour and bitter tastes. I like islamic culture. I found lack of application of mind by businessworld. India has THE WORST OF THE WORST immoral poor & ill.True! But businessworld is getting damn by employees & workers.This is more truth in immoral & ill of past 4 centuries than 60 centuries of world police. ONE HAS TO APPEAR ECCENTRIC & INSANE in SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL-POLITICAL-GOVT-POLICE-MEDIA COMPLEXITY TO CHANGE SYSTEM. EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD.BE NATIVE FIRST & HUMANIST NEXT. BE IN YOUR GROUP OF 100's IN 1000 TO BE AMONG WORLD GROUPS OF 1000's to get adminstered by self & social. How is my above post? Pl.comment! For me,it's flop & soup.

flop song-soup song

One can't be THE WORST OF THE WORST by face & voice. One can't have THE WORST ILL OF THE WORST ILL by hand & mind. So why fear of word and ill? It's MY EXPERIMENTS WITH MANY(10) PHILOSOPHIES. a la MY EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH.