O judge ! You should not be against criminal. You should only be against criminal sense in criminal. O judge ! You should believe society by respecting both sides arguments. How can you render pure justice if you are just believing both sides arguments by not believing society. Societies run on nationalism but not patriotism. Appearance purpose is to solve crime in society but not to perpetrate crime in society. A social exigency should know that it is just exigency but not duty forever. When peoples,societies and their govts are able to evolve what is moral-legal and what is immoral-legal,then where is need for exigency on permanent basis ? A law(or legality) which can't retain itself in course of time is not at all law(or legality) itself. Simply by believing in appearance in court,nobody can be lawful against crime. If anyone believes in law,then he must be able to criminal to criminal. That means purpose of appearance in society is to be lawful being criminal to criminal. What is the use in being good character without being good quality ? Can any law court answer me by post ?

Self-deception or appearance requirement in society is meant for self-knowledge against self-deception.
Judges should not think that appearance alone can solve crime.
If judges continue to think that appearance alone can solve crime,then they are giving rise to more Kanhaiya Kumars to fight against patriotism by their nationalism.
Patriotism means deciding oneself by oneself.
Nationalism means deciding oneself by oneself and other/s.
How can sense decide itself?
Sense must be decided and/or allowed to be decided by mind(work).
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