Truth is god. Truth appears as deception. So god is cheat in objective terms. But god is self realisation which is being human(question) as human(question to question) again against demon(question) within self. In other words,when I say you are cheating,that doesn't mean you are cheat to yourself and your other/s. What I mean to say that when I am saying something,I should believe that I am saying something. That lateral sense is god. Abstract mind with lateral sense is human. Abstract mind without lateral sense is demon. Humanism means being mind only to mind, Divinity is either appearance or deception. That is why Hinduism includes atheism and agonism, Hinduism is 360 degrees * 360 degrees. Hinduism is straight mind,cross sense,bent voice.athiesm and agonism. So Hindu is by being next. Let those who do daawa against Hinduism do so "by ignoring that Islam is also part of Hinduism". Hindustan is India. But India is not Hindustan. Ignorance is also knowledge which is being other/s knowledge in self. And knowledge is truthful knowledge which is being self in other/s "if and only if it respects ignorance". Difference between cheating and appearance is very fine.
