These people will never know adminstration which is stemming rot at first through personally-good character while being negative to it at next through socially-bad character. Public adminstration in immature society is appearing(feeling) good while being bad during first four years in election term and being good in election year to continue in office forever. Because people need be made as both good beings and good characters at the ultimate. And public morality is that being good while feeling bad to bad.

Emergency was declared after Allahabad high court set aside PM Indira Gandhi election as MP.
True ! But it is display of socially-bad character which means personally-good character.
In Politcs and adminstration,public issues need be solved always through harsh decisions as both for it and against it. 
So those who are in power need be tactically-practically right and good.
That means in other words those who are in power need always take decision as for(positive) to issue "while feeling(appearing) socially-bad just as emergency was declared because of Allahabad high court verdict against govt.".
