Better questioning appears as knowledge. Better answering is knowledge. 2.Exclamation is better answering by better questioning (asking in reverse). 3. You can't speak other's sense which is not yours. Hindu swamijis-babas must know that they are speaking "Indian national congress" word/s.So they must become members of Indian national congress or they should avoid speaking righteous words which are by "mind and hand(name)" against adversaries questions. ANY RIGHTEOUS WORD/S SHOULD NOT BE DEVOID OF ITS HAND/S(name/s). Indian national congress is spirit(mind)(law)(social)(knowledge). You Hindu swamijis-babas can't cheat spirit/mind/law/social/knowledge in this knowledge age.Of course they can/may cheat people in past immature society.

Heart is word.
Anything which is not "heart is word" is not "heart is word".
And anything which is "heart is word" stays,has to stay and will stay as "heart is word".
SUBJECTIVITY: You know that you are lawful to yourself.But you don't know that you have to be lawful to lawful.That means you know that you are lawful.
KNOWLEDGE(Indian) IS SUBJECTIVITY(reality) IN ITS OBJECTIVITY(imagination)(virtuality).
సబ్à°œెà°•్à°Ÿిà°µిà°Ÿీ వలన "మళ్à°³ీ మళ్à°²ీ à°•ి మళ్à°³ీ మళ్à°³ీ à°¯ొà°•్à°• à°®à°³్à°³ీ మళ్à°³ీ" à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి à°•ాà°¨ి "à°•ేవలము à°®à°³్à°³ీ మళ్à°³ీ à°•ి మళ్à°³ీ మళ్à°³ీ" à°®ాà°¤్à°°à°®ే à°‰ంà°¡à°¦ు . 
