Search is salvation.Interest is drive.Induce interest.Otherwise teachers will be taught.

Walking(feet) & giving(voice-hand) are by RESPECTFULS(police).

Seeing(believing other),taking(handing) & voicing(mouth) are by HONOURABLES(in-between immoral).

Hearing(ears),thinking(sms) & eating(stomach) are by EXCELLENCIES(moral).

Honourables are broad social hearts(ordinaries) who must be changed into narrow social hearts(uniques).

Path is not goal.Path is path for goal.
Both path & goal must be extreme.
So hindu dharma became the best at next.  

Courts are active now to make honourables as respectfuls.

Those who are interested in voice politics must know history & adminstration procedures & practice principles.

Those who are interested in seeing & taking must know that everyone is leader without voice application.

People are not insane.But they appear insane to outsmart potential SECOND OFFENDERS IN SOCIAL FOUR PERSONS like sakshi media.

Insane of insane is responsive.

Gitacharya said:1)There is nothing useless in his world creation.
2)End is not the end.There is social review for THE END(THE LAW).So why one needs to worry about THE ULTIMATE(law enforcement machinery)?
So one has to do his own duty without seeing into space(zero).  
