Always remember difference between RIGHT AND GOOD which is appearing-different-while-being-same-to-same AND RIGHT OR GOOD which is appearing-same-to-same-while-being-different. EVERYBODY HAS GOT EVERYTHING AT EVERYWHERE ON EVERYTIME. So “MY LOGIC POINT” is that everybody in world is,has to be and will be EITHER no.1 being no.2 to no.2 OR “no.2 being no.1 to no.1” AMONG SOCIAL(lateral) FOURTH ORDER SYSTEM. Think different to be same to same. Think beyond to be lateral-abstract to lateral-abstract. BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN WORLD as I (rama) do. My forest life is to solve both social-outcast and psychological-outcast in society. NAXALISM AND DRAVIDIAN MOVEMENT ARE purely LAW & ORDER PROBLEMS but appear as socio-economic problems. Pseudo-intellect which is being positive to negative must vanish. Or other wise it will be made to vanish by its own self internal conflict among other/s as society is changing into “subjective sensible complexity” from “objective argumentative simplicity which is in past”.
