Teachers must know that academics is not for academic brilliance. Academics is for social brilliance. SOCIETY IS EXISTING FOR ACADEMIC BRILLIANCE in other words. Parents should note that their children learning in classrooms is not meant for academic brilliance "but for social brilliance like name earning in public". So parents should guide their children towards explaining subject among other students in classroom so that their children knowledge becomes self in social". Knowledge improves only through sharing it as self among other/s. Mere reading and listening to get marks is not knowledge. Knowledge is to make self as self in other/s. Being no.2 to no.2 in no.2 makes children as true no.1 self. So students must aim earning their marks upto just 66% only in class. Anybody aiming for earning 100% marks will be and prevail as ignorant and criminal. Both parents and students must remember. Classroom is just path but not goal for social. Social is goal of self.

చేయకూడనివి అనగా అజ్ఞానము లేదా చెడు లేదా తప్పు .
సమాజములో చేయకూడనివి ఎలా ఉంటాయో చేయవలసినవి అలాగే ఉంటాయి .
కనుక చేయకూడనివి మొదటగా మాట్లాడుకుంటే చేయవలసినవి మీద ఆలోచన స్థిరము అవుతుంది .
