Labour person does work for self and others.Whereas intellect person makes work done by labour person. Intellect(prevailing no.1 by being no.2 to no.2) person owns work whereas labour(prevailing no.2 by being no.1 to no.1) person makes intellect(prevailing no.1 by being no.2 to no.2) person. EQUALITY between intellect(prevailing no.1 by being no.2 to no.2) person and labour(prevailing no.2 by being no.1 to no.) "DOES NOT EXIST BUT IS MADE TO PREVAIL AT THE ULTIMATE" AFTER PASSING THROUGH EVERY FIRST,EVERY NEXT AND EVERY LAST stages" of mind(law) work. So both capitalism and communism are bound to fail "at THE ULTIMATE". Only humanism(which is self deserving in self and other/s) prevails at the ultimate "throughout world". And one more point ! Indian labour was being described "as Vaisya varnams and Sudra varnam" for past continuity. Whereas Indian intellect persons are being described as "brahamna varnam and Kshatriya varnam" for past continuity. So in other words,Indian casteism(pessimism) is,has to and will be replaced with Indian caste system which is very much scientific "through Gandhi application-concentration-devotion of mind on mind again" over periods "1907 AD - 1947 AD" at first(last) and "1947 AD- 2017 AD" at next(ultimate) STAGES of end times called 20th century fox time peridot for 21st century AD knowledge age which is "at the end of part two". That completes social justice(mind) cycle "concept and application" of personal mindset.
