But self-deceptive knowledge/able can't have prevailance in human social memory. Self-deceptive people drown in human history. So being human in human to human gives rise to imagination while being just human to human will be reality. Human being has to become in social sensibility by respecting father profession in developing buddhi(mindset) and jnanam(morality)(consistency against adverse questions) "through avoiding quackery and teacher-lessness in gaining knowledge". For example,as long as a film director or public narrator tells his SELF BY NAME,so long do film will be HIT masses while changing masses into self-truthfuls "through self-eliminating their pessimism,regression and escapism". Having blind belief or no belief in GOD FEAR will be ESCAPISM. So have faith in god.But that faith should not become blind as lord Raghavendra propagated Madhva philosophy.

"మనిషిలో మనిషి " మరియు "మనిషిలో మనిషికి మనిషి " అనే రెండు అంశముల యొక్క నిరంతర సంక్లిష్టత అనేది ఆత్మ స్వరూపమును ,సామాజిక ఆర్ధిక మెరుగుదల ను మరియు జ్ఞానమును (తిరకాసుదనమును ) కలుగ చేసి మనిషి మరణానంతరము కూడా మనిషికి భూమి మీద శాశ్వతత్వమును కలుగ చేస్తాయి .
