Film song has become part of human social life. Because film song is language skill,psychological skill and biochemical reaction skill. And one more thing ! Public audiences will find some time gap between scenes so that actors,director and audiences will know about SPIRIT BEYOND PUBLIC PERSONALIITES. Any self-deceiver or social-exposed person wishes to become self-truthful BUT NOT VICE VERSA. That is why film production cost rose into crores now by actors social-exposure costs crores of rupees as actors are not supposed to entitle for socio-personal life. Pl.note that is the reason why RGV often discusses his love for heroine Sridevi in public. THERE IS SPIRIT (NAME) BEYOND PUBLIC PERSONALITiES WHICH IS DISCUSSED BY COURTS OF IMMORAL MINDED PERSONS. BUT WE PUBLIC PERSONALITiES RESPECT COURTS WORKING BY AVOIDING TO BELIEVE IN COURTS. For the matter nobody including Court people.believes in courts "because justice is natural in its own sense".
