Any adversary can do mistakes.But both should learn from mistakes. Otherwise it is not sense. As far as recent uri attack is concerned,Indian PM should see this attack as Politcal attack in military form. This is my opinion. So a Politcal attack in military form is not supposed to be dealt in revenge military strike against Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL FORUMS LIKE UN NEED BE USED TO STUDY EACH OTHER GOVT IN DEPTH keeping reactionary New Delhi in view. Both countries want peace. But peace at this juncture(end times) needs patience against provocation from Pakistan. As Kautilya said,if there is equal(50:50) chance for peace and war,option of peace need be invoked. India should set its house in order as Indian governance system is antisocial(tamas) in nature "because of its past continuity" whereas "past continuity doesn't apply to Pakistan" because Indian system got bifurcated into two nations "but not Pakistan system was not bifurcated during partition of India". So first culprit is not to be blamed. Only next culprit is to be blamed. Hence India should weigh options of peace with Pakistan as far as my opinion is concerned. Truth only prevails "provided sense is applied".
