Story(moral imagination) is compulsory ingredient in reality(public instruction what to do by what not to do). Story is plotted between ferocious-sense(which is complexity between graceful-sense and valour-sense),valour-sense(which is complexity between ferocious-sense and graceful-sense) by graceful-sense(which is complexity between ferocious-sense and valour-sense). Story means complexity between love(grace) and action(ferocious-sense against criminality and valour sense against violence). Story is cooked between characters(hero,villain,character artiste and comedian),scenes(around 150 in number),dialogues(questions that are raised between characters) and moral-sense(that story-teller wishes to tell audience) to solve blind beliefs and immorality that are crept in social-system over period of time. Story purpose is culturing social-system with 10% moral(consistency against adverse questions) leadership.
