Only human being sees oppurtunity in disaster(calamity) than oppurtunity in oppurtunity. Access is brilliance. Excel is brilliance to brilliance. You must be excel by access than access by excel. Because everybody has to excel in his profession(mind) than his politcs(voice). Politcs(which includes crime and business adminstration) practice as profession are public endowment for just few(some) people in society. Voter should have right to read Politcs by eyes. But voter if allowed to have right to practise(voice)(do) Politcs by his mouth will be anarchy which will lead to subversion of social democracy. And moreover if voter starts behaving as political leader in social life,then political leaders will start behaving as voters in their words among public thereby political time of political leaders will be made to suffer for public betterment. Sense(logic which is reason to reason) should prevail but not mind and voice(reason). Pl.note.

When there is conflict that is going on and you are having your name(sense)(mind) to be applied on conflict,then your word(sense)(mind) "in the form of statement which include question for and against it" will solve that 50:50 conflict into right and good.
