Even though govt issues currency,it can't manage(administer) currency on day-to-day basis. So banking industry came into being to account non-performing asset/s and issue credit to balance business(administration) with govt finance(public instruction) dept and all(6000) social sections of people. It is not problem of govt whether banking industry,micro-finance sector or financial sector is using currency(money) circulated for use of people's transaction/s. How can bank CMDs,micro-finance CEOs and finance companies CEOs enjoy cars,A/C rooms ,bungalows and lakhs of rupees as salaries when 90% world people are diabolical-minded who are "appearing-ignorants of appearing-knowledgeables"? Is it not duty of banking industry,micro-finance sector and finance-sector duty to educate public that currency(money) has both quantity(mindful voice) and quality(sensible hand)? Indian Supreme Court should concentrate on activities of banking industry,micro-finance sector and finance-sector in society as GOVT DOESN'T DO DUTY OF EVERYDAY CURRENCY MANAGEMENT. Govt governs currency but doesn't manage currency either with banks,micro-finance firms and finance firms or with people's accounts. Governing is maintaining stability between minimum control limit (say 20%) and maximum control limit ( say 80% ). Management(administration) is solving mind(social) ills without control limits.

Money has got name(person),voice(face) and sense(hand).
How can Indian banking industry ignored this in their profession? 
