Engineering-english-democracy are gifts of imperial force within ourselves.Let's follow-respect imperial force and obey-believe human(deserve) force.EVERYBODY IS LEADER AS COMPLEX-SOCIAL BEING-POSITIVE SENSE GOVT.-NEGATIVE SENSE POLICE IF HE/SHE MEDITATES SOCIAL MIND AS COMPLEX-RATIONAL BEING-SECULAR-RELIGIOUS.

A customer/buyer may be worker/employee/another businessperson by his/her mindset to a businessperson.
Imperial at next instance is also ignorance like both reactionary & antisocial at first instance.
So during indian freedom struggle,m k gandhi & indian national congress are being imperial establishment at first to allow same imperial(ignorance) establishment CONFLICT with reactionary(ignorance) & antisocial(ignorance) anti-establishment towards truthful(knowledgeable)-spiritual(materialistic)-human(earning) society. 
Hence m k gandhi chose a respectable path(non-violence) to believe in truthful(knowledgeable) hindu(crimeless & illnessless) society to be established throughout world(bharatvarsha is no geographic entity) by SQUEEZING-SWALLOWING EVIL DEVILS(who believe in 'sweet of sweet' becoming ultimate bitter) ONCE AND FOR ALL TO ELIMINATE FROM EARNING ON EARTH.
We are here(earth) for there(hell) to be here(heaven on earth) again. 
