Legal RELATION brings peace.Moral DIRECTION brings truth(midpoint between points of reactionaries,senseless sensibles,immoral legals & imperials).

Let 33% low immorals visit law college faculty on sundays to tell them about being social(pravruthi) in being personal((vruthi) which is seelam as present problem is relational.
Let 33% low immorals visit medical college faculty on sundays to tell them about social psyche(gunam) as present problem is directional.

Present problem is relational and directional.
Present problem is  weak voice provocation among social four,spiritual,legal sense towards equalisation..
Present problem is just being made out as political(voice) by official dacoits(USA),unofficial dacoits(china) & imperials(UK).It is my statement.
World political(voice) issues were totally sorted out in may/june favour of human sense. 
