Let's solve tamas which starts at -ve 0.001 to end at -ve 100.

Present city/world only issue from 2012 A.D.is antisocial(tamas) force within psyche at 99.999%.
This antisocial force within psyche starts at 0.001% magnitude and passes through rest 99.999% magnitude IN NEGATIVE DIRECTION.
We need make potential difference(from -ve 0.001 to -ve 100) into +ve current in next 15 years(5478 days) by 2026 A.D.
Then whole city/district/world becomes native moral-legality as DYNAMICALLY-MODERATE(true high) by equal 6000 caste voices.
TRUTH-EQUALITY-PEACE-LOVE is RIGHTEOUSNESS(mature law being harsh at first instance and grace at every next instance).     
